Malva qaiseri S.Abedin, sp. nov..
Herba annua erecta vel suberecta. Folia parva, orbiculata. Flores axillares, glomerati. Pedicelli 2-3 mm longi nonnum quam 5 mm longi, infructu raro usque ad 2 cm longi pallide fusci in specimen exsiccati. Epicalycis segmenta lineari. Calyx fructus 4-6 mm longus, brunneolus albus, charataceus in specimen exsiccatom. Fructus 3-5 mm diametralis. Mericarpia 7-9.
Erect or suberect annual herb, 25-30 cm tall, stellate tomentose. Leaves 1-1.5 cm long, 1-2 cm broad, orbicular, not or 3-5-angular, stellate pubescent on both surfaces, crenate to serrate, obtuse or somewhat acute, cordate to truncate at base; stipule c. 2 mm long, ovate acuminate; petiole 1-2 cm long. Flowers axillary, fasciculate; pedicels usually not visible,2-3 mm long, in fruit usually 5 mm long, a few up to 2 cm long, becoming brownish white after drying. Epicalyx segments linear, c. 3 mm long. Calyx c. 3 mm long, in fruit up to 6 mm long fused near the middle, glabrescent; lobes triangular, acute. Petals equalling the sepals, white. Fruit 3-5 mm across, depressed globose; mericarps 7-9, glabrous, 1.5 mm long in all directions, dorsally transversely and radially striately ribbed, margins acute. Seed 1 mm long and broad, glabrous except hilium.
Holotype: Islamabad, flowers white, 25 cm tall, S.Abedin 7325 (KUH).
Distribution: Endemic to Pakistan.
This species is related to Malva parviflora L. in the fasciculate and short pedicelled flowers, and to Malva microcarpa Pers. in the smaller fruits. However, it may readily be differentiated from Malva parviflora L. in its smaller fruits, less enlarged, papery calyx enclosing the fruits. While it differs from Malva microcarpa Pers. in its fasciculate, compact flowers and calyx enclosing the fruit. Pedicels and fruiting calyx of this species which become whitish after drying are also important characters to distinguish from both the species Malva parviflora L. and Malva microcarpa Pers.