Tricholaena teneriffae (Linn. f.) Link, Handb. Erekenn. Gewachse. 1:91. 1829. Duthie, Fodder Grasses 12. 1888; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 7:65. 1896; Blatter & McCann, Bombay Grasses 176. 1935; Sultan & Stewart, Grasses W. Pak. 1:51. 1958; Bor, Grasses Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pak. 369. 1960; Bor in Towns., Guest & Al-Rawi, Fl. Iraq 9:506. 1968; Bor in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 70:507. 1970; Clayton in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 5:264. 1980.
Agrostis plumosa TenoreMelinis leucantha (A. Rich.) Chiov.Melinis teneriffae (Linn. f.) Hack.Panicum leucanthum A. Rich.Panicum teneriffae (Linn. f.) R. Br.Saccharum teneriffae Linn. f.Tricholaena leucantha (A. Rich.) Stapf & Hubbard
Perennial, forming tussocks from a woody rootstock; culms 10-60 cm high, ascending, wiry with narrow leaves or herbaceous and leafy. Leaf-blades flat or involute, 2-15 cm long, 1-5 mm wide. Panicle usually narrowly oblong, 3-15 cm long, fairly dense. Spikelets 2.5-35 mm long; lower glume a minute truncate scale (rarely up to 0.5 mm ); upper glume ovate, tuberculate pilose with white hairs extending 0.54 mm beyond the tip, but often glabrous in the upper quarter, acute and usually mucronate; lower lemma resembling the upper glume.
Fl. & Fr. Per.: April-May and again from September through to December or January.
Type: Teneriffe, Masson (K).
Distribution: Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Punjab & N.W.F.P.); tropical East Africa northwards to the Mediterranean: thence westwards to the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, and eastwards to India.
This is a species that grows in the most inhospitable places but with no known value as a fodder grass. No doubt some desert grazing animals will eat it.
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