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Pakistan | Family List | Amaryllidaceae | Ixiolirion

Ixiolirion karateginum Lipsky in Acta horti. Petrop. 18:108. 1901. Gorshkova in Komarov, Fl. URSS, 4:490.1935; P. Wendelbo, l.c. 3.

  • Kolpakowskia karategina (Lipsky) Traub

    Bulb globose, with a long neck, c. 1 cm in diameter, covered with brownish scales. Plants up to 30 cm tall. Leaves narrowly linear, 2-3 mm broad. Bracts c. 5 mm long, white, membranous. Flowers light purple. Tepals c. 1 cm long, oblong to obovate, shortly acuminate. Stamens unequal, filaments adnate to the middle of the tepals. Fruit capsular, oblong.

    Fl.Per.: Summer months.

    Type: Central Asia: Karategin, 10-11000', Buchara, Lipsky (LE).

    Distribution: Pamir, Alai & N. W. Hindukush.

    Very similar to the previous species, but smaller in stature with light purple smaller flowers; it grows at higher altitudes. Not very common but appears to be under-collected in Chitral.


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