13. Primula hazarica Duthie in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. Calcutta. 9:49. t. 62. 1901. Watt in J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 29:299308.1904; Pax in Engler, Pflanzenr. 22:117.1905; W.W. Smith & H.R. Fletcher, l.c. 21; Ludlow, l.c. 196.
A farinose plant 30-130 mm tall. Rhizome well developed. Leaves 15-95 x 6-21 mm, obovate to spathulate, denticulate to crenulate-dentate, membranous, with white farina on the under surface. Petiole slender. Scapes 1-2(-3), 7-92 mm long, (2-) 3-12-flowered, slender to fairly stout, glabrous. Bracts 5-9 mm long, unequal, minutely glandular-puberulous towards the base. Pedicel (5-) 15-24 mm long, slender. Flowers heteromorphic, pink-mauve. Calyx campanulate, 6-7.5 (-8) - mm long, ½ cleft, more or less ribbed. Lobes lanceolate, glandularpuberulous. Corolla tube 2-2 ½ times the calyx length; limb 14-24 mm broad, lobes obcordate; throat yellow, exannulate. Capsule obovoid, included in the calyx. Seeds less than 1 mm long, angled.
Fl. Per.: July-August.
Syntypes: Kashmir: B-7 Bangas, Muzaffarabad, Inayat 21976 (K! E!); Hazara Dist.: Shinkiari, 9.6.1899, Inayat s.n. (K, E); Dadur, Kaghan, Inayat 21976 a (K); Bhonja, Inayat 21976 b (E); Sarul, Kaghan, Inayat, 21977 b (K, E); Siran vy., Inayat 19916 a in 1896 (E); Musa-ka-Musalla, 14000', Shinkiari, 9.6.1899, Inayat s.n. (K, E); Nila, 12-13000', Inayat s.n. (E) & on 13.6.1899 (E); Richmori, 10200', Shinkiari, 10.6.1899, Inayat s.n. (K! E! BM!).
Distribution: The Kaghan and Siran vys. (Hazara), Swat and the adjoining Kashmir area.
Duthie (l.c.) in his original diagnoses did not designate a definite type. His description is based on several gatherings made by Inayat Khan from the Kaghan and the Siran valleys (Hazara) and from Muzaffarabad (Kashmir).
The species is related to Primula jaffreyana King (Type: K!) from S. Tibet, but differs in the included stamens and the exannulate corolla. According to Smith and Fletcher (l.c.) the species shows resemblance to Primula sharmae Fletcher and the Chinese Primula stenocalyx Maxim. It differs from former in the colour of the farina and from the latter in the campanulate and shorter calyx and exannulate corolla.
Primula hazarica is usually found in moist rocky places from 3300-4267 m. Its record from Dadur, as collected by Inayat, is doubtful, as the species in question is found at a much higher elevation; moreover Inayat’s successive collection nos. 21976 b and 21977 b are areas fairly distant from Dadur (c. 36 km).