1. Dionysia lacei (Hemsl. & Watt) Clay, The present day Rock Garden. 195. 1937. Wendelbo in Acta Univ. Bergen. Ser. Math.-Nat. 1961, no. 3, p. 40; in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 9:16.1965; Chris Grey-Wilson, l.c. 27.
Primula lacei Hemsley and Watt
Plant loose caespitose, more or less escapose, suffruticose, rhizomatous. Stem branched, leafy; branches up to 21 cm long, with marcescent leaves. Leaves alternate, obovate-cuneate or elliptic-ovate, lamina 30-40 x 9-24 mm, irregularly dentate, villous, the hairs white or yellowish, under surface lighter in colour than the upper and with woolly farina. Petiole shorter than the lamina. Flowers yellow, in superposed more or less compact verticels, inter-spersed amongst the leaves. Bract lanceolate-acuminate, 10.5-15.5 mm long, margin sparse glandular-stipitate. Pedicel 6-6.5 mm long. Calyx tubular-campanulate, sparse vinous, 6-8 mm long, 2/3 cleft; lobes lanceolate-acuminate, sparse villous (the hairs articulate, flexuose), margin with a few glandular subsessile hairs. Corolla tube 15-17 mm long, pubescent on the outer surface; limb 12-17 mm broad, lobes obovate, 3.5-7.2 mm long, entire or slightly wavy or 2-fid; anthers attached half way up the tube (in pin-eyed flowers). Style 12 mm long (in pin-eyed flowers). Stigma capitate. Capsule included in calyx. Seeds many, angled.
Fl. Per.: March-April.
Holotype: Torkhan, 1200-1350 m, Baluchistan, Lace 3648 (K! iso. BM! E!).
Distribution: Endemic.
Allied to Dionysia paradoxa Wendelbo, which differs in having a longer scape (2-7 cm), larger leafy bracts (up to 3 cm long), and the leaf indument (hairs not articulate). The isotype at Edinburgh has specimens which are escapose.
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