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Pakistan | Family List | Primulaceae | Cortusa

2. Cortusa matthioli ssp. hazarica Y. Nasir, ssp. nov.


Planta robusta. Folia 4.5-7.5 (-11) x 7-11 (-17) cm, cordato-reniformia, irregulariter dentata, pubescentia, nervis infra prominentibus; petiolus (12-) 14-21 mm longus, praesertim prope basin laminae dense ferrugineo-pilosus. Scapus 17-38 cm longus, 8-21-florus, apicem versus villosus, basi 2.5-4.5 mm latus. Calyx 6-8 mm longus, lobis apiculatis. Corollae lobi obtusi. Antherae 4-4.5 mm longae, infra corollae sinus inclusae. Capsula calyx ± aequilonga, ovoidea. Semina 35-40 pro capsula, fusco-brunnea, ±1.3 mm longa, vesiculosa.

Plant robust. Leaves 4.5-7.5 (-11) x 7-11 (-17) cm, cordate-reniform, irregularly dentate, pubescent, nerves prominent below; petiole (12-) 14-21 mm long, with dense ferruginous hairs, especially near the base of the lamina. Scape 17-38 cm long, 8-21-flowered, villous towards the apex, 2.5-4.5 mm broad at the base. Calyx 6-8 mm long, lobes apiculate. Corolla lobes obtuse. Anthers 4-4.5 mm long, included below the corolla lobe sinuses. Capsule ± equalling the calyx, ovaloid. Seeds 35-40 in number, dark brown, ± 1.3 mm long, vesiculose.

Fl. Per.: May.

Holotype: Miranjani, 9000', Hazara, in rich forest, 23.6.1955, R.R. Stewart s.n. (RAW).

Distribution: Hazara and Kashmir.

The new subspecies differs from the ssp. matthioli in generally having larger flowers, broader calyx lobes, the corolla lobes obtuse (not acutish), and the anthers present slightly below the corolla lobe sinuses. It is also closely related to Corthusa matthioli ssp. turkestanica (A. Los.) Iranshahr & Wendelbo (=Corthusa turkestanica), but differs in the shape of the leaves, the conspicuous indument on the petiole and lamina base (not subglabrous), the acute or apiculate calyx lobes (not obtusish), and the generally shorter petiole.

The subspecies is named after the locality Hazara where it was first collected in June 1896 by Inayat from Dunga Gali. Plant specimens of this taxon examined from the Kafir Khan range (Muzafarabad, Kashmir) have unusually large leaves (9.5-11.0 x 15-17 cm), but otherwise do not differ substantially from the typical plant. It is a handsomer and more mesophytic plant than Corthusa brotheri, and is found in the forest (or the upper limit of forest zone) at lower altitudes from 2700-3200 m.


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