22. Galium campylotrichum Nazim. & Ehrend. in Pl. Syst. & Evol. 155: 71. Fig. 2, F-1. 1987.
Small scrambling perennial herb, with stems and leaves totally smooth. Stems quadrangular. Leaves 7-15 x 1-125 mm, acuminate, margins thickish and scarcely revolute, in approximate whorls of 6. Inflorescence a few flowered axillary cyme. Pedicel 2-4 mm long, glabrous. Flowers yellowish brown on drying. Corolla infundibuliform, lobes lanceolate-ovate, acute-acuminate, c. 2 x 0.5-1 mm, slightly pubemlent. Stamens exserted, smaller than the corolla lobes. Ovary and mericarps covered with slightly curved setose hairs.
Fl. Per.: August.
Holotype: Pakistan: above Makai village, ± 7500', a scrambling herb, common, 30.8.1971, M.A. Siddiqui & Y. Nasir 6556 (RAW).
Distribution: Known from the type locality only.
Close to Galium acutum Edgew., but differs in its narrow leaves with thickish margins, few flowered inflorescence and hairy fruits. Close to Galium subfalcatum Nazim. & Ehrend. too but distinguishable by its broader leaves with thinner nerves and more densely hairy mericarps.
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