Gentianella vvedenskyi (Grossh.) H.Smith apud Chater
Erect, annual-biennial, 20-43 cm long branched or unbranched herb. Stem canaliculate, smooth. Basal leaves rosulate, 0.75-4.5 x 0.3-0.8 cm, obovate-oblong, obtuse-rounded, entire, margin revolute, dying off at flowering, cauline leaves 1.5-6.0 x 0.2-0.6 cm, linear-lanceolate, obtuse-acute, entire, sessile. Inflorescence solitary on long capitate or axillary peduncles, up to 6.0 cm long. Floral buds ellipsoidal. Flowers never exceeding 4.5 cm, 4-merous. Calyx distichously unequal, tube longer than lobes, two smaller lance shaped 0.75-2.0 x 0.2-0.5 cm, acute-acuminate, entire, each lobe slightly carinate from middle, the two longer lanceolate lobes slightly longer than lance shaped lobes, 1-2.5 (-2.75) x 0.1-0.25 cm, lanceolate, acute, entire. Corolla blue, funnel-shaped to campanulate, 20-45 (-60) mm, tube one third the length, lobes oblong-obovate, obtuse, marginal ciliae not many. Ovary 0.4-0.8 x 0.1-0.3 cm, gynophore present, stigma prominent, subsessile or style very small. Capsule oval-oblong. Seeds small, numerous, papillose.
Fl. & Fr. Per.: June-August.
Type: Pamir, Langarsu, in humidis, 17.8.1857, S. Korshinsky (LE).
A-7 Chitral: Harchin, 9000 ft., Toppin 672 (K), Shogran, 25.8.1981, Malik et al. 1737 (KUH), Mastuj, Baroghil track, Wasan, 9000 ft., 20.7.1958, Stainton 2949 (BM), Gilgit: Gulmit, Hunza, 8.7.1982, Omer 415 (KUH), Nagar state: Hispar village area, 10600 ft., Pohunin 6360(B, BM, E), Ulter nullah, ± 10000 ft., 12.8.1954, R.R. Stewart 26511 (RAW), B-7 Hazara: Gittidas, 23.6.1899, Inayat s.n. (K), B-8 Baltistan: Askoley, 10500 ft., 11.8.1876, Clarke 30411 A (K), and 30411 C (BM), Mango, 3750 m, 1.8.1962, Hartmann 1083 (RAW), Chirka Khalt, c. 5 miles from Shigar towards Thandro, 9.7.1974, Ghafoor & Butt 662 (KUH), Kandle-Sailing, Hushe, ± 9000 ft., 26.7.1955, E. Nasir & Webster 6279 (RAW), Morung kor, 9000 ft., meadow, 23.8.1936, Koelz 9763 (NA), on highest point reached on Hunnuno above Hopar camp, c.12000 ft., Conway 104 (K), Hopar, 9350 ft., 1892, Conway 89 (CAL), Shagarthrong valley, 10-11000 ft., 10.7.1892, Duthie s.n. (0), Thalle La, ± 10000 ft., 14.8. 1940, Stewart 20669 (RAW), Thalle La to Bagmaharal (north east of Skardo and Shigar) 30.8.1876, Schlagintweit 5929 (BM), Shyok Nubra junction 9900 ft., 7.7.1929, Ludlow 527 (BM), Shigar, 7800 ft., 9.6.1928, Ludlow 337 (BM), Tirit , Shyok valley, 10500 ft., 14.9.1941, Ludlow & Sherriff 8572 (BM), B-9 Ladakh: Rungdum,200 m west of Zuildo, 1980, Southampton University 90 (K), Kargil, 2 km S. of Biamathanl Plantation, 1980, ibid 9 (K), Timis, 11000 ft., 6.8.1931, Koelz 2547 (E, K), Nubra valley, 13-16000 fl., July-October 1848, Thomson s.n. (K), Mango Brangsa, 11700 ft., Conway 220 (K), Bragnag,1931, Koelz A 83 (E).
Distribution: U.S.S.R., Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tibet, China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
A uniregional species of Irano-Turanian region, extending into Sino-Japanese region.
Grows in wet grass lands at an elevation of 7-14000 ft., in sandy soils.
This species is closely related to Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) Ma, but the two are readily distinguishable. In Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) Ma the habit is robust and calycine lobes are broader, wh ereas Gentianopsis vvedenskyi (Grossh.) Omer bears less robust habit and lance shaped calycine lobes.