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Pakistan | Family List | Gentianaceae | Comastoma

4. Comastoma pedunculata (D.Don) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phyto tax. 3:218. 1968. Ho, l.c., 310; Omer, l.c., 550.


Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270

  • Eurythalia pedunculata D.Don
  • Gentiana pedunculata Royle ex G.Don
  • Gentiana tenella auct. non Rottb.: Clarke
  • Gentianella pedunculata (D.Don) H.Smith

    Biennial - perennial, 15-35 (-40) cm high, glabrous herb. Stem branched from middle or above, canaliculate, not much crowded by leaves. Basal leaves wanting. Cauline leaves 0.8-2.0 x 0.5-1.0 cm, lanceolate-oblanceolate or elliptic or obovate, margin hyaline, denticulate, slightly reflexed, acute, sessile, dorsal surface wrinkled, 3-or more veined, a branch arising from axil of each pair of leaves. Inflorescence solitary, terminal. Flowers arising on long peduncles, peduncles up to 10 (-15) cm long, flowers campanulate, medium sized, 0.7-1.5 (-1.75) cm long. Calyx split to base, tube almost absent or very small, lobes unequal, 5-lobed, one pair smallest, 0.3-0.7 x 0.1-0.2 cm, lanceolate, margin cartilaginous, denticulate, acute, second pair bigger, 0.4-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 cm, fifth biggest, 0.6-0.8 (-1.0) x 0.3-0.5 cm, ovate, dorsal surface of all lobes wrinkled, ventral surface with veins reticulately arranged. Corolla 5-lobed, tube 0.6-1.0 cm long, lobes 0.1-0.25 x 0.1-0.2 cm, ovate-broadly ovate, entire, obtuse, reticulately veined, provided at base with crown of profuse fimbriae, fimbriae linear, acute, unequal in length. Stamens 5, filament adnate, winged at base, anthers versatile, bilobed, sagittate. Nectaries epipetalous, two each, corresponding with single lobe. Ovary 0.3-0.5 x 0.2-0.3 cm, ovate, gynophore not distinct, stigma sessile, bilobed.

    Fl.Per.: August-September (-November).

    Type: Habitat in Cachemeria et Kunawur, Boyle (UV!).

    A-7 Chitral: Drosh, Beorai Gol, 12000 ft., 28.7.1958, Bowes-Lyon 212 (BM), Gilgit: Manu Gah nala, 12500 ft., 31.8.1950, Thornley 22 (BM), B-8 Kashmir: Yamharu pass, 13-14000 ft., 13.8.1893, Duthie 13569 (BM, E, K), id., 14000 ft., Sept. 1931, R.R. Stewart 12935 (K), Sonamarg, 9000 ft., 5.9.1917, R.R. Stewart 3626 1/2 (K, NY), id., 18.8.1928, Stewart 9898 a (K), Thajiwas, Sonamarg, 13000 ft., 13.8.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 7930 (BM, E), Rajparyan sanctuary, 10500 ft., 13.8.1943, Ludlow & Sherriff 9296 (BM, E), Zoji-Matayan, Ladak road, 29.8.1922, Stewart 7545 (K), Zoji La, 11500-12000 ft., 27.8.1940, Ludlow & Shemff 8033 (BM, E), Gumbo nullah, Zoji La, 12000 ft., 25.8.1940, Ludlow & Sherriff 8017 (BM), Apharwat, 13000 ft., 12.8.1956, Polunin 56/223 (BM, E), id., 11.8.1919, Rich 1251 p.p. (K), Kolahoi valley, 11-12000 ft., 8.8.1893, Duthie 13518 (K), id., 11000 ft., 26.8.1956, Polunin 56/509 (BM), id., 14200 ft., 27.8.1956, Polunin 56/509 (BM), id., Sept. 1913, Mrs. Evershed s.n. (BM), Shingo valley, near Gurais, 11-12000 ft., 5.7.1892, Duthie 11822 (BM), Top of Apharwat, 13000 ft., 27.8.1933, Yenning K-70 (K), Tilail, 12000 ft., 24.8.1876. Clarke 30718 A (K), 30718 B (BM), Vishansar, 12000 ft., 17.8.1940, Pinfold 365 (BM), Gulmarg, 10000 ft., Sept. 1922, Barbour s.n. (BM), Panamils, Nubra valley, 10400 ft., 13.8.1928, Ludlow 488 (BM), Kimi, upper Nubra valley, 11050 ft., 26.7.1947, Schomburg 17 (BM), Nund Koi, 11500 ft., 14.8. 1940, Pinfold 285 (BM), Zojpal, Sept. 1913, ibid. s.n. (BM), Tibet, Shingtsakbi, on the left side of the Mustak glacier below Tsoka, 19.8.1856, Schlangintweit 6030 (BM), Nubra, Kartas to Kharand, 15.8. 1856, ibid. 2429 (BM), Astonmarg, 10500 ft., August 1936, Timins 205 a (BM), Rama valley, S.W. of Astore, 13000 ft., 3.8.1967, Lankaster & Prescot TEL 1383 (BM), id., 12000 ft., 9.8.1967, ibid TEL 1469 (BM).

    Distribution: Pakistan, India and Nepal.

    A Sino-Japanese element, penetrating in Irano-Turanian region also.

    Grows near the water channels or in the moist grass lands, at an elevation of 8-14000 ft.


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