1. Tulipa lanata Regel in Acta Horti Petrop. 8: 647. 1884. Stapf in Curtis, Bot. Mag. 152: t. 9151. 1926; A. D. Hall l. c. 118. t. 29. f. 20.; S. Dasgupta & Deb l. c. 157; Rech. f., l.c. 97.
S.I. Ali
Bulbs 2-5 cm across, ovoid, stoloniferous; tunics brown, outer scales papery, long hairs arise profusely from the base of the inner ones. Stem up to 60 cm, 5-6 mm broad. Leaves 4-5, sessile, 12-30 x 2-6 cm, lanceolate or oblong, entire, often margin undulate, acute to subacuminate, often pubescent above.Flower solitry terminal. Peduncle 10-21 cm, pubescent. Tepals 5-8 x 3-3.5 cm, obovate, abruptly acuminate, scarlet with black blotch at the base with yellow margin, light coloured outside, glabrous, few veins and tip of the outer segments pubescent. Filaments 8-10 mm, black, except the pointed tip, glabrous, anthers 10-15 mm deep purple. Ovary 15-25 mm long, deep green, style absent, stigma 5 mm broad, papillose. Capsule 5.0 x 2.0 cm.
Fl.Per.: April-May.
Type: “In Bucharae orientalis chenato Baldschuan ad ripam sinistram fluvii Wachsch 3000 ft alt., nec non in districtu Hissar in monte Chodschar ad fluvium Kafirnagan, 4-5000 ft, A. Regel s.n. (LE - not seen).
Distribution: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Kashmir.