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38i. Potentilla supina subsp. supina

Muqarrab Shah

Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

Annual, prostrate or ascending herbs. Roots slender, fibrous. Stem Slender, angular, densely to sparsely pilose. Radicle and lower cauline leaves 3-5 pinnate, petioles 3-6 cm. long, sparsely adpressed pilose. Basal stipules adnate, membranous, brown, auricles oblong-lanceolate, cauline stipules broadly ovate, green, entire or 1-2 fid. Leaflets pilose to glabrous above, pilose below, oblong to obovate cuneate, deeply incised, irregular in position, form and cuttings, segments obtuse. Flowers numerous, arranged in branched leafy cymes, c. 8-10 mm across, pedicels 1-1.5 cm. long, densely pilose. Sepals pilose to subglabrous, ovate acute. Petals small 2-3.5 x 1.7-2.5 mm. Stamens about 20. Carpels many, styles short, 0.6-0.8 mm., subterminal, conical. Achenes generally smooth 0.9-1 mm. long, generally without ventral projections.

Lectotype: ‘Habitat ad Moguntiam & in Siberia.’ RCN: 3782. Herb. Linn. No. 655.14 (LINN).

Distribution: S, C and E Europe to Anatolia (Turkey).

This taxon does not occur in Pakistan and Kashmir.


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