47. Potentilla stewartiana M. Shah & Wilcock in Willdenowia. 21: 195. 1991.
Muqarrab Shah
Department of Microbiology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan
Perennial, caespitose herb. Rootstock divided, covered with brownish scale leaves. Stem ascending, 4-8 cm long, minutely pubescent. Leaves trifoliate, petiole 1-1.5 cm long, sparsely pubescent. Basal stipules adnate, sheathing, membranous, auricles broadly ovate, divided, middle stipules submembranous, brownish-green, lobed, upper stipules green, entire. Leaflets 3, terminal leaflet 3-lobed, divided up to or near the midrib, lateral leaflets bilobed up to or near the midrib, segments ¼-⅓-lobed, lobes ovate, 1.5-2 mm long, glabrous above, sparsely glandular, pilose beneath. Flowers 3-6, terminal, small, 7-9 mm in diam. Sepals pilose-glandular, elliptic-obtuse in outline. Petals 3-4 x 3-4 mm, emarginate. Stamens c.20. Carpels numerous, styles 0.8-0.9 mm, small, thickened at the base, longer than the mature fruitlets. Achenetum ovoid.
Type: Pakistan, Gilgit agency, Chhanter Gah, 3,600 m, F. Schmid 219 (G).
A-7 Gilgit agency, Anesarbar, 3,900 – 4,900 m, F. Schmid 2259 (RAW), B-8 Baltistan, Satpura nullah above Skardu, ± 14,000 ft, R.R. Stewart 20239 (RAW).
Distribution: Pakistan, Gilgit and Baltistan.
Found between 3,600 – 4,900 m., not common. Endemic
Potentilla stewartiana Shah & Wilcock is a distinct and well delimited species. It should be placed with Potentilla flabellate Regel & Schmalh. (its nearest relative) in section Persicae. Potentilla stewartiana resembles Potentilla flabellate in its trifoliate leaves, deeply trisect terminal leaflets up to the midrib, bisect lateral leaflets nearly to the midrib and identical shape of basal stipules and calyces. The indumentum is also l ike Potentilla flabellata. Potentilla stewartiana differs, however, in the entire upper stipules, 1/4 - 1/3 regularly divided ovate lobes and coniform, short styles (0.8-0.9 mm), as long as the mature fruitlet. Potentilla flabellate has divided upper stipules, 2/3 - 3/4 irregularly divided oblong lobes and filiform, long styles (c. 1.5 mm), much longer than the mature fruitlet.