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Pakistan | Family List | Ranunculaceae | Consolida

5. Consolida schlagintweitii (Huth) Munz in J. An. Arbor. 48:191. 1967. Stewart, Ann. Catalogue Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 266 1972, Qureshi & Chaudhri in Pak. Syst. 4(1-2):84.1988.


Naturhistorisches Museum, Botanische Abteilung, Wien, Austria.


National Herbarium, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan.

  • Delphinium schlagintweitii Huth

    Tall plant with a branched stem, glabrescent below, pubescent above, some hairs with swollen, yellow base. Cauline leaves subsessile, multipartite, segments linear, 10-30 x 0.5-1.5 mm, ± strigulose. Lower bracts similar to leaves, upper bracts entire, subulate, ± 5 mm long. Racemes fairly dense, few-flowered, with short, stiff, mostly retrorse hairs. Pedicels 1-1.5 cm long, suberect, elongated to 5 cm in fruit. Bracteoles 2.5-3 mm, immediately below the flower. Sepals 6-7 mm, deep violet, oblong to ovate, clawed, spur ± straight, 6-7 mm long, 1.5 mm thick at base, strigulose, lateral sepals glabrous except for the ciliate claw, lower sepals ovate, acute-pubescent all over. Petal 3-lobed, 11 mm wide, middle lobe 3 mm long with 2 lobules, lateral lobes spreading. Follicle 10 x 3.5 mm, oblong, ± flattened, densely hairy. Style ± 1 mm long.

    Type: Kashmir Prov., Balti near Skardo, 2300-2500 m, Schlagintweit 821 (G).

    Endemic to the type locality.


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