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Riellaceae Engler, Syll. Pflazenfam. Grosse Ausgabe. 45. 1892.

Authors: Sharon E. Bartholomew-Began

Plants submerged aquatics, erect or ascending, with the thallus axis (= stem) postically coiled, bearing a prominent dorsal lamina (= wing) on one side and lateral and ventral leaf-like scales on both sides, with the rhizoids clustered basally. Dorsal thallus wings undulate to ruffled (coiled), tapering toward axis base, 1-stratose, with the cells dimorphic; oil cells scattered. Rhizoids smooth-walled. Sexual condition dioicous or less commonly monoicous. Gametangia developed acropetally. Sporophytes reduced, with the capsule cleistocarpous.

Genus 1 (1 in the flora): nearly worldwide, submerged, aquatic.


Schuster, R. M. 1992. The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America, East of the Hundredth Meridian. Vol. V. Field Museum, Chicago.

Lower Taxon

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