Schoenobryum Dozy & Molkenboer, Musc. Frond. Ined. Archip. Indici fasc. 6: 183. 1848.
Greek, schoeno, a rope, and bryo, moss; referring to the perceived ropelike appearance of the stems, especially when dry
William D. Reese
Plants small, dull, brownish-green, sometimes with reddish tinge. Branches mostly short, irregularly branched; axillary hairs 2--3 per axil, with 1 short proximal cell with brownish walls and 1--3 elongate distal cells. Leaves tightly imbricate when dry, spreading when moist, concave, margins plane to revolute; medial cells smooth to prorulose. Perichaetia terminal on branch tips, interior leaves awned. Peristome single, exostome teeth papillose. Calyptra conic, somewhat papillose distally.
Species ca. 24 (1 in the flora): nearly worldwide (but not Pacific Islands) in tropical and subtropical regions.
Manuel, M. G. 1977. Studies in Cryphaeaceae IV. New combinations in Schoenobryum. Bryologist 80: 522-524.