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BFNA | Family List | BFNA Vol. 3 | Jungermanniaceae | Tritomaria | Tritomaria polita

Tritomaria polita subsp. polymorpha R. M. Schuster, Hep. Anthoc. N. Amer. 2: 700. 1969.

Leaves 2--4-lobed with curved sinuses, wider than long; oil bodies 8--12 per cell; gemmae usually absent, if present yellow brown, smooth; female bracts 2--4-lobed. Sporophyte unknown.

Banks of small streams; 0--50 m; Greenland.

This North American endemic taxon is reported only from Greenland (R. M. Schuster 1988). It is frequently associated with Blepharostoma trichophyllum subsp. brevirete, Cephalozia pleniceps, Leiocolea heterocolpos, Lophozia gillmanii, Odontoschisma elongatum, Scapania brevicaulis, and Tritomaria quinquedentata. R. Grolle and D. G. Long (2000) treated this taxon as T. polita.


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