Xiangying Wen is Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI:http://bgci.org)China Programme Officer since June 1st of 2007.BGCI China Projects Office is based at South China Botanical Garden,CAS.
Xiangying Wen was also the first user of eFloras' online interactive key builder. She has built a few interactive keys at her own eFloras website. Her success encouraged many other people to use this tool.
Recently, she has enabled South China Botanical Garden Checklist online.
Xiangying also provided Chinese translations for the following keys.
- Education
- 8/2002–8/2004: Master of Science in Botany, University of Missouri-St. Louis & Missouri Botanical Garden
- 9/1996–7/1999: Master of Science in Botany, South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- 9/1992–7/1996: Bachelor of Science in Biology, Hunan Normal University, Hunan, China
- Interests
- Herbarium management
- Herbarium Digitalization
- Interactive keys
- Eflora checkists online
- Plant Systematics and Evolution
- Field expedition
- Research Emphases
- Plants survery,plant diversity conservation
- works at Botanic gardens
- Digitalized Herbarium Management
- Digitalized Botanical Garden Management
- Address
- Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- 723# Xing Ke Rd., Guangzhou
- Guangdong, 510650
- P.R.China
- Phone
- 020-37252692(O)
- 020-37252692 (fax)
- Website
- http://www.efloras.org/flora_page.aspx?flora_id=1001
Major Achievements
Selected Publications
- Wen Xiangying,Lin Qi.2007. Validation of names of Leptodermis pilosa var. acanthoclada and L. pilosa var. spicatiformis(Rubiaceae).Acta.Phyto.Sin.45(3):410-412.
- Hai Ren, Weijun Shen, Hongfang Lu, Xiangying Wen, Shuguang Jian. 2007. Degraded Ecosystem and its Restoration in China. Landscape and Ecological Engineer. (online)..
- Xiangying Wen. A brief introduction to A New Plant Identification Tool_____Interactive Keys. Xian Hu. 2005, 4:2-6 (In Chinese)。
- Gang Hao, Dianxiang Zhang, Lixiu Guo, Mingyong Zhang, Yunfei Deng and
Xiangying Wen. A phylogenetic and biogeographic study of Cercis (Leguminosae). Acta Botanica Sinica, 2001, 43(12): 1275-1278.
- Xiangying Wen et al. Study on the leaf epidermis of the genus Schisandra in China. Life Science Research, 2000
- Xiangying Wen et al. Study on the leaf venation of five species in the family Schisandraceae from China. Life Science Research, 1999, 3(1): 69-74.
- Qi Lin, Xiangying Wen. Study on the geographical distribution of some important families and genera in the seed plants from Hunan Province. Journal of Hunan Forestry Technical College, 1997, 4: 38-45.
- Qi Lin, Xiangying Wen. Investigation of the resources about medical plants of the family Schisandraceae in Hunan. Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1997,13(3):61-62.
Online Publication
- Xiangying Wen. 2004. Xiangying Wen’s Interactive Keys.