1 |
Leaf blades deltate, mostly 5--25 cm, commonly sterile, sporophores absent or misshapen; plants mostly over 12 cm; leaf sheaths open or closed. |
(2) |
+ |
Leaf blades mainly oblong to linear, mostly 2--4 cm, all fertile, sporophores always present; plants to 15 cm, mostly less than 10 cm; leaf sheaths closed (subg. Botrychium). |
(9) |
2 (1) |
Trophophore blade thin, herbaceous; leaf sheaths open; sporophores, when present, arising from base of trophophore blade high on common stalk; leaves absent during winter (subg. Osmundopteris). |
1 Botrychium virginianum |
+ |
Trophophore blades herbaceous or thick-papery to leathery; leaf sheaths closed; sporophores, when present, arising near ground from basal portion of common stalk; leaves present during winter (subg. Sceptridium). |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Trophophores prostrate, blades commonly 2 per plant; roots yellowish, to 30 per plant; sporophore stalks and midrib broadly flattened, fleshy; leaves dying in early spring, new leaves appearing in late fall (sect. Hiemobotrychium). |
2 Botrychium lunarioides |
+ |
Trophophores erect or ascending, blades commonly 1 per plant; roots blackish, to 15 per plant; sporophore stalks and midrib only slightly flattened, not fleshy; leaves appearing in late spring and lasting until following spring (subg. Sceptridium sect. Sceptridium). |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Basal pinnae mostly long-stalked and remotely alternate; pinnule venation nearly like ribs of fan but with short midrib; blades dull gray-green. |
5 Botrychium jenmanii |
+ |
Basal pinnae short-stalked and mostly subopposite; pinnule venation pinnate, with strong midrib; blades bluish green or green to dark green. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Terminal pinnules larger than lateral pinnules; pinnae undivided except in proximal 1/2--3/4. |
(6) |
+ |
Terminal pinnules similar to or only slightly larger than lateral pinnules; pinnae divided to tip. |
(8) |
6 (5) |
Trophophore blades usually 2--3-pinnate, terminal pinnae elongate and nearly parallel-sided; leaves mostly remaining green during winter. |
3 Botrychium biternatum |
+ |
Trophophore blades usually 2--4-pinnate, pinnules trowel-shaped or ovate (rarely linear), apex rounded to acute; leaves green or bronze during winter. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Pinnules obliquely ovate, margins finely denticulate to crenulate, apex rounded to acute; trophophore blades green in winter. |
7 Botrychium oneidense |
+ |
Pinnules obliquely trowel-shaped or linear, margins denticulate to lacerate or coarsely cut, apex acute; trophophore blades bronze in winter if exposed. |
4 Botrychium dissectum |
8 (5) |
Segments of blades rounded, nearly entire, plane; texture leathery; n North America. |
6 Botrychium multifidum |
+ |
Segments of blades angular, ± dentate, somewhat channeled and concave abaxially; texture semiherbaceous; Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway region. |
8 Botrychium rugulosum |
9 (1) |
Trophophores linear to linear-oblong, simple to lobed, lobes rounded to square and angular, stalks usually 1/3--2/3 length of trophophore; plants in deep shade under shrubs and trees. |
(10) |
+ |
Trophophores linear to deltate (narrowly oblong in Botrychium minganese), pinnate, rarely simple, lobes, if present, of various shapes, stalk usually less than 1/4 length of trophophore; plants usually in exposed sites. |
(12) |
10 (9) |
Segments rounded; plants herbaceous. |
29 Botrychium simplex |
+ |
Segments angular; plants succulent. |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Surfaces shiny yellow-green (alive); blade apex undissected or with 2--3 lobes, cutting fairly regular; trophophore stalks very succulent; Great Lakes region. |
21 Botrychium mormo |
+ |
Surfaces dull gray-green (alive); blade apex dissected with 3--5 lobes or projections, cutting somewhat irregular; trophophore stalks somewhat succulent; far w North American mountains. |
20 Botrychium montanum |
12 (9) |
Distance between 1st and 2d pinna pairs greater than that between 2d and 3d pairs; segments asymmetric, enlarged on acroscopic side. |
(13) |
+ |
Distance between 1st and 2d pinna pairs same or slightly more than between 2d and 3d pairs; segments asymmetric to symmetric. |
(14) |
13 (12) |
Apex of blade undivided or coarsely divided; pinnae ovate--fan-shaped, margins shallowly sinuate; small leaves frequently simple or nearly so; large mature blades subternate to ternate; sporophores 1-pinnate; nearly circumboreal. |
29 Botrychium simplex |
+ |
Apex of blade always finely divided; pinnae fan-shaped to narrowly spatulate, margins crenate to dentate or jagged; small leaves always deeply lobed or pinnate; large mature blades oblong-linear; sporophores 2--3-pinnate; w Minnesota prairie. |
14 Botrychium gallicomontanum |
14 (12) |
Trophophores present; basal pinnae or segments with venation like ribs of fan, midrib absent; basal pinnae fan-shaped to spatulate. |
(15) |
+ |
Trophophores present or replaced by sporophore; if present, basal pinnae or segment venation pinnate, midrib present, oblanceolate to linear to lanceolate to ovate. |
(23) |
15 (14) |
Trophophore blades ovate to deltate. |
(16) |
+ |
Trophophore blades oblong to oblong-lanceolate. |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Sporophores 3--5 times length of trophophores, arising at or just above leaf sheath; blades bright green, pinnae remote or approximate, fan-shaped, papery; widespread, w North America. |
29 Botrychium simplex |
+ |
Sporophores 1--1.5 times length of trophophores, arising high on common stalk; blades dull whitish green, pinnae overlapping, cuneate, leathery; sw Oregon. |
28 Botrychium pumicola |
17 (15) |
Basal pinnae broadly fan-shaped. |
(18) |
+ |
Basal pinnae narrowly fan-shaped, or cuneate to lanceolate or linear. |
(19) |
18 (17) |
Plants herbaceous; trophophores on most plants less than 4 × 1.5 cm; pinnae 2--5 pairs, well separated; margins commonly crenate to dentate; sporophores 1.3--3 times length of trophophore; damp sites; w North America. |
12 Botrychium crenulatum |
+ |
Plants fleshy; trophophores on most plants more than 5 × 2 cm; pinnae 4--9 pairs, approximate to overlapping; margins usually entire to undulate, rarely dentate; sporophores 0.8--2 times length of trophophore; dry sites; widespread. |
17 Botrychium lunaria |
19 (17) |
Pinnae strongly ascending; margins conspicuously dentate-lacerate. |
10 Botrychium ascendens |
+ |
Pinnae spreading or only moderately ascending; outer margins entire to crenate or rarely dentate. |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Trophophores ± folded longitudinally when alive, usually to 4 × 1 cm; pinnae to 5 pairs, most proximal pinnae 2-lobed. |
(21) |
+ |
Trophophores flat or folded only at base when alive, usually to 10 × 2.5 cm; pinnae to 10 pairs, basal pinnae unlobed or if lobed, not usually 2-cleft. |
(22) |
21 (20) |
Blades very fleshy; sporophores usually less than 1.5 times length of trophophores; pinnae mostly linear; basal pinna lobes usually ± equal; appearing in spring. |
11 Botrychium campestre |
+ |
Blades herbaceous; sporophores usually 1.5--4 times length of trophophores; pinnae asymmetrically fan-shaped; basal pinna lobes unequal; appearing in late spring. |
22 Botrychium pallidum |
22 (20) |
Blades narrowly oblong, firm to herbaceous; pinnae nearly spheric to fan-shaped; margins shallowly crenate; proximal sporophore branches 1-pinnate. |
19 Botrychium minganense |
+ |
Blades narrowly deltate, leathery; pinnae spatulate to linear-spatulate; margins entire to very coarsely and irregularly dentate; most proximal sporophore branches usually 2-pinnate. |
30 Botrychium spathulatum |
23 (14) |
Trophophore replaced by sporophore, yielding 2 sporophores. |
23 Botrychium paradoxum |
+ |
Trophophore present, fully distinct from sporophore. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Trophophore blades deltate; sporophores divided proximally into several equally long branches. |
16 Botrychium lanceolatum |
+ |
Trophophore blades ovate to oblong (nearly deltate in Botrychium hesperium, deltate-oblong in B. pinnatum); sporophores with single midrib or 1 dominant midrib and 2 smaller ribs. |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Trophophore stalk long, equal to length of trophophore rachis; blade mostly ovate-oblong to deltate-oblong; basal pinnae ovate-rhombic; nw North America. |
24 Botrychium pedunculosum |
+ |
Trophophore stalk short to nearly absent, to 1/4 length of trophophore rachis; blade mainly oblong-lanceolate to triangular; most basal pinnae elongate, oblanceolate to oblong to linear or linear-lanceolate. |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Large trophophore blades nearly deltate, basal pinna pair elongate; pinnae distal to basal pair approximate to overlapping; segments and lobes rounded at apex. |
15 Botrychium hesperium |
+ |
Large trophophore blades mostly oblong-deltate to ovate-oblong; basal pinna pair not elongate; pinnae distal to basal pair remote to approximate; segments and lobes truncate, rounded, or acute at apex. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Sporophores long, 1--3 times length of trophophore; blades dull, blue to green. |
(28) |
+ |
Sporophores short, only 1--2 times length of trophophore; blades shiny, bright green. |
(29) |
28 (27) |
Pinnae ovate to lanceolate, blunt, shallowly to deeply lobed. |
18 Botrychium matricariifolium |
+ |
Pinnae oblanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, entire to shallowly lobed. |
9 Botrychium acuminatum |
29 (27) |
Pinnae acute, oblanceolate to narrowly spatulate, rarely more than 2-lobed; pinnae well separated. |
13 Botrychium echo |
+ |
Pinnae mostly with rounded apex, ovate to broadly spatulate, to 6-lobed; pinnae approximate to overlapping. |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Pinnae of mature trophophores nearly as wide as long, with slightly pointed tips, costa rudimentary, veins otherwise ± like ribs of fan; basal pinnae with only shallow, narrow sinuses and 1--3 lobes. |
26 Botrychium boreale |
+ |
Pinnae of mature trophophores considerably longer than wide, mostly with blunt tips, veins mainly pinnate; basal pinnae with deep, ± wide sinuses and 3--8 lobes. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Pinnae ascending, usually somewhat overlapping; trophophore blades leathery, somewhat shiny; Lake Superior region. |
27 Botrychium pseudopinnatum |
+ |
Pinnae ± ascending to ± horizontal, usually approximate to somewhat remote; trophophore blades papery, shiny; nw North America. |
25 Botrychium pinnatum |