1. Burmannia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 287. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 139. 1754.
[For Johannes Burman, 1707–1779, Dutch botanist]
Plants annual, autotrophic, at least partly green. Rhizomes absent. Roots filiform. Stems usually unbranched, green. Leaves cauline, sometimes basal, green, purplish, or pale, scalelike to linear. Inflorescences 2–25-flowered cymes or flowers solitary; floral bracts sometimes appearing imbricate if internodes of cyme rachis are very short; pedicels 0–1 mm. Flowers erect, 3-ribbed to 3-winged; perianth persistent in fruit; annulus absent; stamens 3, proximal to inner perianth lobes, sessile; ovary 3-locular; placentation axile. Capsules obovoid to ellipsoid, transversely dehiscent.
Species ca. 60 (3 in the flora): mostly tropical and subtropical, Western Hemisphere, Africa, Asia (China).
1 |
Flowers 3-ribbed or slightly 3-winged; inflorescences usually appearing capitate; inner perianth lobes usually less than 2/3 length of outer lobes. |
1 Burmannia capitata |
+ |
Flowers distinctly 3-winged; inflorescences loosely flowered cymes or flowers solitary; inner perianth lobes 2/3 to nearly equaling length of outer lobes. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Flowers bluish with perianth lobes paler, often cream-colored; basal leaves absent. |
2 Burmannia biflora |
+ |
Flowers yellow or greenish; basal leaves present. |
3 Burmannia flava |
Lower Taxa
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