55b. Juncus ensifolius var. montanus (Engelmann) C. L. Hitchcock in C. L. Hitchcock et al., Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest. 1: 195. 1969.
Juncus xiphioides E. Meyer var. montanus Engelmann, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 2: 481. 1868; J. brunnescenns Rydberg; J. ensifolius var. brunnescens (Rydberg) Cronquist; J. parous Rydberg; J. saximontanus A. Nelson; J. tracyi Rydberg; J. utahensis R. F. Martin; J. xiphioides var. montanus Engelmann, J. xiphioides var. triandrus Engelmann
Leaves 2--25 cdm × 1.5--4 mm. Inflorescences 3--20 heads; heads obovoid to globose. Flowers: outer tepals 2.7--3.6 mm; inner tepals 2.7--3 mm; stamens 6. Capsules slightly exserted, ellipsoid, 2.4--4.3 mm. Seeds 0.4--1 mm, tailed or more often not tailed.
Fruiting early summer--fall. Wet meadows, bogs, springy woods, stream and lake shores; 400--3000 m; Alta., B.C.; Ariz.,, Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Oreg., S.Dak., Tex., Utah, Wash., Wyo.; Mexico (s to Puebla, Veracruz).
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