33. Physaria geyeri (Hooker) A. Gray, Gen. Amer. Bor. 1: 162. 1848.
Geyer’s bladderpod
Vesicaria geyeri Hooker, London J. Bot. 6: 70, plate 5. 1847; Coulterina geyeri (Hooker) Kuntze; Lesquerella geyeri (Hooker) G. A. Mulligan
Perennials; caudex usually simple, (cespitose); (silvery) pubescent throughout, trichomes (sessile), 6-8-rayed, rays mostly furcate, (tuberculate to nearly smooth). Stems several from base, decumbent, (arising laterally, unbranched), 1-3 dm. Basal leaves (numerous); (petiole slender, rarely with a few broad teeth); blade obovate, 3-7 cm, margins entire. Cauline leaves: blade oblanceolate, 1.5-3 cm, margins entire. Racemes loose. Fruiting pedicels (ascending or spreading, slightly curved or sigmoid), 1-2 cm. Flowers: sepals oblong, 5-7 mm; petals (yellow to purplish), spatulate, 8-12 mm. Fruits obcordate, angustiseptate, somewhat inflated, (not bladdery), 5-7 × 6-9 mm, (papery, basal sinus absent, apical sinus broad and open); valves (retaining seeds after dehiscence), loosely pubescent, trichomes spreading; replum ovate, 5-7 mm, as wide as or wider than fruit, apex acute or obtuse; ovules 4-6 per ovary; style 5-7 mm.
Subspecies 2 (2 in the flora): nw United States.