1 |
Fruits annual (maturing at end of 1st season); if fruits not available, key as if biennial. |
(2) |
+ |
Fruits biennial (maturing at end of 2d season) except in Q. agrifolia, Q. emoryi, Q. hypoleucoides, and Q. pumila. |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous except for tufts of tomentum in vein axils or at base. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially uniformly pubescent or tomentose, sometimes glabrate. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blade distinctly convex, adaxially rugose; California. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade planar, adaxially not rugose; Arizona to w Texas. |
4 Quercus emoryi |
4 (2) |
Leaf blade less than 3 times as long as wide; nut ovoid or conic, 15–35 mm; California. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade more than 3 times as long as wide; nut globose or oblong, 9–15 mm; Arizona and east. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaf blade abaxially tawny or white-tomentose; cup covering 1/3 nut or less; Arizona to w Texas. |
6 Quercus hypoleucoides |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrate or gray- to brown-pubescent; cup covering 1/3–2/3 nut; Mississippi to North Carolina. |
16 Quercus pumila |
6 (1) |
Evergreen trees or shrubs; leaf blade adaxially noticeably rugose, margins entire or spinose, strongly revolute, abaxially densely tawny or white-tomentose |
6 Quercus hypoleucoides |
+ |
Leaf blade 5–11-lobed with more than 10 awns. |
(77) |
7 |
Petiole less than 10 mm. |
(8) |
+ |
Petiole more than 10 mm. |
(44) |
8 (7) |
Leaf blade more than 4.5 times as long as wide. |
(9) |
+ |
Leaf blade less than 4.5 times as long as wide. |
(12) |
9 (8) |
Petiole glabrous. |
14 Quercus phellos |
+ |
Petiole pubescent. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Low shrubs. |
16 Quercus pumila |
+ |
Trees. |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate, abaxially glabrous or with tufts of tomentum at base; sc Arizona. |
5 Quercus viminea |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic or ovate, abaxially uniformly pubescent or tomentose; e Texas to North Carolina. |
11 Quercus incana |
12 (8) |
Leaf margins entire or merely spinose. |
(13) |
+ |
Leaf margins shallowly or deeply lobed, not merely spinose. |
(32) |
13 (12) |
Abaxial leaf surface uniformly pubescent or tomentose. |
(14) |
+ |
Abaxial leaf surface glabrous or sparingly pubescent. |
(19) |
14 (13) |
Leaf blade convex, adaxially pubescent or tomentose. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade planar, adaxially essentially glabrous. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Leaf blade more than 2.5 times as long as wide. 16. Low shrubs; leaf margins revolute. |
(16) |
+ |
Leaf blade less than 2.5 times as long as wide. |
(18) |
16 (15) |
Low shrub; leaf margins revolute |
16 Quercus pumila |
+ |
Trees; leaf margins not revolute. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Petioles and twigs pubescent; inner surface of cup uniformly pubescent. |
11 Quercus incana |
+ |
Petioles and twigs glabrous; inner surface of cup glabrous or with only ring of hairs around nut scar. |
17 Quercus imbricaria |
18 (15) |
Leaf blade widest distal to middle, apex broadly obtuse to rounded; e Texas to Georgia. |
23 Quercus arkansana |
+ |
Leaf blade widest at or proximal to middle, apex acute; North Carolina to Maine. |
25 Quercus ilicifolia |
19 (13) |
Leaf blade distinctly convex, adaxially rugose. |
(20) |
+ |
Leaf blade planar, not adaxially rugose. |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Apex of leaf blade blunt to attenuate; nut more than 15 mm; California. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Apex of leaf blade obtuse or rounded; nut less than 15 mm; Florida. |
19 Quercus inopina |
21 (19) |
Trees or shrubs evergreen (often tardily deciduous in Q. laurifolia, Q. hemisphaerica, and Q. nigra). |
(22) |
+ |
Trees deciduous (often tardily deciduous in Q. laurifolia, Q. hemisphaerica, and Q. nigra). |
(28) |
22 (21) |
Twigs pubescent. |
(23) |
+ |
Twigs glabrous. |
(25) |
23 (22) |
Nut 21–44 mm; California. |
1 Quercus wislizeni |
+ |
Nut less than 20 mm; Arizona and east. |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Base of leaf blade cuneate to rounded; Mississippi to South Carolina. |
18 Quercus myrtifolia |
+ |
Base of leaf blade cordate; Arizona to w Texas . |
4 Quercus emoryi |
25 (22) |
Leaf blade widest near apex. |
15 Quercus nigra |
+ |
Leaf blade widest at or proximal to middle. |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Leaf blade rarely 3 times as long as wide; nut 21–44 mm; California. |
1 Quercus wislizeni |
+ |
Leaf blade commonly more than 3 times as long as wide; nut 8–16 mm; e Texas to Virginia. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Leaf blade leathery, base obtuse or rounded, apex acute or acuminate; trees on dry, sandy uplands. |
13 Quercus hemisphaerica |
+ |
Leaf blade thin, base attenuate or cuneate, apex obtuse or rounded; trees on low, wet flood plains and bottoms. |
12 Quercus laurifolia |
28 (21) |
Twigs pubescent. |
(29) |
+ |
Twigs glabrous. |
(30) |
29 (28) |
Leaf blade widest distal to middle, apex broadly obtuse to rounded; e Texas to Georgia. |
23 Quercus arkansana |
+ |
Leaf blade widest proximal to middle, apex acute or long- attenuate; w Texas. |
8 Quercus robusta |
30 (28) |
Leaf blade widest near apex. |
15 Quercus nigra |
+ |
Leaf blade widest at or proximal to middle. |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaf blade leathery, base obtuse or rounded, apex acute or acuminate; trees on dry, sandy uplands. |
13 Quercus hemisphaerica |
+ |
Leaf blade thin, base attenuate or cuneate, apex obtuse or rounded; trees on low, wet flood plains and bottoms. |
12 Quercus laurifolia |
32 (12) |
Terminal buds 6–12 mm. |
(33) |
+ |
Terminal buds 2–6 mm. |
(35) |
33 (32) |
Twigs glabrous. |
15 Quercus nigra |
+ |
Twigs pubescent. |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Leaf blade widest near middle, base attenuate to acute, blade decurrent; margin of cup involute. |
22 Quercus laevis |
+ |
Leaf blade widest near apex, base rounded to cordate, blade not decurrent; margin of cup not involute. |
24 Quercus marilandica |
35 (32) |
Twigs pubescent. |
(36) |
+ |
Twigs glabrous. |
(39) |
36 (35) |
Apex of leaf broadly obtuse to rounded; e Texas to Long Island. |
(37) |
+ |
Apex of leaf acute to attenuate; w Texas. |
(38) |
37 (36) |
Terminal buds glabrous or only ciliate on scale margins. |
23 Quercus arkansana |
+ |
Terminal buds uniformly pubescent. |
24 Quercus marilandica |
38 (36) |
Base of leaf blade subcordate to broadly obtuse, awns usually fewer than 10. |
8 Quercus robusta |
+ |
Base of leaf blade rounded to cuneate, awns usually more than 10. |
10 Quercus gravesii |
39 (35) |
Leaf blade widest distal to middle. |
(40) |
+ |
Leaf blade widest at or proximal to middle. |
(41) |
40 (39) |
Apex of leaf blade obtuse to rounded or blunt. |
15 Quercus nigra |
+ |
Apex of leaf blade oblong or acute. |
27 Quercus georgiana |
41 (39) |
Petiole rarely more than 5mm; margins of leaf blade rarely with more than 4 awns; trees evergreen or tardily deciduous. |
13 Quercus hemisphaerica |
+ |
Petiole commonly more than 5 mm; margins of leaf blade often with more than 4 awns; trees deciduous. |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Mature leaf blade abaxially with conspicuous (readily discernible to naked eye) tufts of tomentum in vein axils; bark gray to light brown, scaly; Alabama to South Carolina. |
27 Quercus georgiana |
+ |
Mature leaf blade abaxially with minute (often detectable only with magnification) tufts of tomentum in vein axils (or such tufts absent); bark brown to black, roughly furrowed; w Texas. |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Base of leaf blade subcordate to broadly obtuse, awns usually fewer than 10. |
8 Quercus robusta |
+ |
Base of leaf blade rounded to cuneate, awns usually more than 10. |
10 Quercus gravesii |
44 (7) |
Leaf margins entire or spinose or with 3–7 lobes separated by shallow (less than 1/3 distance to midrib) sinuses; if lobed, each lobe generally with single awn. |
(45) |
+ |
Leaf margins with 3–11 lobes separated by deep (more than 1/3 distance to midrib) sinuses; lobes generally with 2 or more awns. |
(61) |
45 (44) |
Leaf blade abaxially pubescent to tomentose. |
(46) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous except for tufts of tomentum in vein axils, especially along midrib. |
(52) |
46 (45) |
Plants evergreen; California or w Texas. |
(47) |
+ |
Plants deciduous; e Texas to New England. |
(48) |
47 (46) |
Leaf blade convex; California. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade planar; w Texas. |
9 Quercus tardifolia |
48 (46) |
Leaf blade 2.5–4 times as long as wide; twigs glabrous. |
17 Quercus imbricaria |
+ |
Leaf blade rarely as much as 2.5 times as long as wide; twigs pubescent. |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Terminal buds uniformly pubescent, generally exceeding 5 mm. |
(50) |
+ |
Terminal buds glabrous or hairy only at apex, rarely as much as 5 mm. |
(51) |
50 (49) |
Petiole mostly more than 20mm; tips of cup scales appressed.. |
20 Quercus falcata |
+ |
Petiole rarely as much as 20 mm; tips of cup scales loose, especially at cup margin. |
24 Quercus marilandica |
51 (49) |
Apex of leaf blade broadly obtuse or rounded, margins entire or with 2–3 rounded lobes; e Texas to Georgia. |
23 Quercus arkansana |
+ |
Apex of leaf blade acute or obtuse, margins always with 3–4 acute lobes; North Carolina to Maine. |
25 Quercus ilicifolia |
52 (45) |
Leaf blade commonly more than 3 times as long as wide. |
7 Quercus graciliformis |
+ |
Leaf blade rarely 3 times as long as wide. |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Leaf blade convex, adaxially rugose. |
2 Quercus agrifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade planar, not adaxially rugose. |
(54) |
54 (53) |
Plants evergreen; California. |
1 Quercus wislizeni |
+ |
Plants deciduous; w Texas and east. |
(55) |
55 (54) |
Leaf blade widest distal to middle. |
(56) |
+ |
Leaf blade widest at or proximal to middle. |
(58) |
56 (55) |
Twigs glabrous. |
27 Quercus georgiana |
+ |
Twigs pubescent. |
(57) |
57 (56) |
Terminal buds uniformly pubescent. |
24 Quercus marilandica |
+ |
Terminal buds glabrous or at most ciliate on scale margins. |
23 Quercus arkansana |
58 (55) |
Leaf blade usually with more than 10 awns. |
(59) |
+ |
Leaf blade usually with fewer than 10 awns. |
(60) |
59 (58) |
Petiole less than 25 mm; bark black and furrowed; cup less than 15mm wide; w Texas. |
10 Quercus gravesii |
+ |
Petiole more than 25mm; bark gray or dark gray with wide shiny ridges separated by shallow fissures; cup more than 15 mm wide; Oklahoma to Nova Scotia. |
32 Quercus rubra |
60 (58) |
Base of leaf blade subcordate to broadly obtuse; cup deeply cup-shaped, 6–9 mm high; w Texas. |
8 Quercus robusta |
+ |
Base of leaf blade cuneate to obtuse; cup shallowly saucer- shaped, 4–6mm high; Alabama to South Carolina. |
27 Quercus georgiana |
61 (44) |
Leaf blade abaxially uniformly pubescent or tomentose. |
(62) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, not uniformly pubescent. |
(65) |
62 (61) |
Nut oblong to broadly ellipsoid, 21–34 mm; tips of cup scales loose; California to Oregon. |
3 Quercus kelloggii |
+ |
Nut ovoid or subglobose, 9–16 mm; tips of cup scales appressed; Texas and east. |
(63) |
63 (62) |
Base of leaf blade rounded or U-shaped, terminal lobe much longer than lateral lobes. |
20 Quercus falcata |
+ |
Base of leaf blade cuneate to truncate, terminal lobe rarely exceeding lateral lobes. |
(64) |
64 (63) |
Trees; terminal buds 4–9 mm, light reddish brown, uniformly puberulent |
21 Quercus pagoda |
+ |
Shrubs; terminal buds 2–4.5 mm, dark reddish brown, puberulent only at apex. |
25 Quercus ilicifolia |
65 (61) |
Terminal buds uniformly pubescent. |
(66) |
+ |
Terminal buds glabrous or pubescent only on distal 1/2. |
(67) |
66 (65) |
Leaf base attenuate or acute, blade decurrent; margin of cup involute. |
22 Quercus laevis |
+ |
Leaf base obtuse to truncate, blade not decurrent; margin of cup not involute. |
35 Quercus velutina |
67 (65) |
Terminal buds silvery or reddish pubescent on distal 1/2. |
(68) |
+ |
Terminal buds glabrous or with only a few reddish hairs at apex. |
(71) |
68 (67) |
Base of leaf blade attenuate or acute, decurrent; petiole commonly less than 20 mm; margin of cup involute. |
22 Quercus laevis |
+ |
Base of leaf blade obtuse to truncate, not decurrent; petiole commonly more than 20 mm; margin of cup not involute. |
(69) |
69 (68) |
Leaf blade adaxially dull green; sinuses usually extending less than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes acute to oblong. |
32 Quercus rubra |
+ |
Leaf blade adaxially glossy green; sinuses usually extending more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes distally expanded. |
(70) |
70 (69) |
Cup turbinate to hemispheric, scales with broad glossy base, scale margins often strongly concave; nut ovoid to subglobose, with 1 or more concentric rings of pits at apex. |
33 Quercus coccinea |
+ |
Cup deeply cup-shaped to turbinate, scales pubescent with straight or slightly concave margins; nut ellipsoid to ovoid, without rings of pits at apex. |
34 Quercus ellipsoidalis |
71 (67) |
Leaf blades mostly wider than long. |
31 Quercus acerifolia |
+ |
Leaf blades mostly longer than wide. |
(72) |
72 (71) |
Twigs and/or terminal buds yellowish gray, gray, or grayish brown. |
(73) |
+ |
Twigs and terminal buds brown to dark reddish brown or red. |
(75) |
73 (72) |
Mature leaf blade abaxially glabrous or with minute (often detectable only with magnification) tufts of tomentum in vein axils. |
29 Quercus buckleyi |
+ |
Mature leaf blade abaxially with conspicuous (readily discernible to naked eye) tufts of tomentum in vein axils. |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Cup with thin (less than 1.5mm in cross section) walls, deeply goblet-shaped, covering 1/3–1/2 nut, inner surface pubescent. |
28 Quercus texana |
+ |
Cup with thick (more than 1.5mm in cross section) walls, saucer- or cup-shaped, covering 1/4–1/3 nut, inner surface glabrous or with ring of hairs around scar. |
30 Quercus shumardii |
75 (72) |
Leaf blade abaxially with conspicuous (readily discernible to naked eye) tufts of tomentum in vein axils. |
(76) |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially glabrous or with minute (often detectable only with magnification) tufts of tomentum in vein axils. |
(78) |
76 (75) |
Leaf blade 3–5-lobed with fewer than 10 awns. |
27 Quercus georgiana |
+ |
desc needed |
77 (6) |
Cup deeply goblet- shaped, covering 1/3– 1/2 nut; nut broadly ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, rarely less than 16mm. |
28 Quercus texana |
+ |
Cup shallowly saucer- shaped, covering less than 1/3 nut; nut globose or ovoid, rarely more than 16mm. |
26 Quercus palustris |
78 (75) |
Cup generally more than 12 mm high; cup scales more than 4mm, attenuate or acuminate to acute with loose tips, especially at cup margin; California to Oregon. |
3 Quercus kelloggii |
+ |
Cup rarely as much as 12 mm high; cup scales less than 4mm, acute to obtuse with tightly appressed tips; wTexas and east. |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Leaf blade adaxially dull green, abaxially pale green or glaucous; cup 18–30 mm wide; Oklahoma to Nova Scotia. |
32 Quercus rubra |
+ |
Leaf blade adaxially shiny or glossy, abaxially light green or coppery green; cup 7–18 mm wide; Texas to Oklahoma. |
(80) |
80 (79) |
Petiole more than 20 mm; leaf lobes usually distally expanded; c Texas to Oklahoma. |
29 Quercus buckleyi |
+ |
Petiole usually less than 20 mm; leaf lobes acute; w Texas. |
10 Quercus gravesii |