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FNA | Family List | FNA Vol. 2 | Ophioglossaceae | Botrychium

1a. Botrychium Subg. Osmundopteris (J. Milde) R. T. Clausen, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 19(2): 93. 1938.

Botrychium sect. Osmundopteris J.Milde, Verh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien 19(2): 96. 1869

Roots 15 or fewer, yellow to brown, 0.5--2 mm diam. 1cm from base. Plants over 12 cm. Common stalk lacking idioblasts (elongate, spindle-shaped cells in vascular strand). Trophophore sessile and erect, arising from middle to distal portion of common stalk well above ground level; blade usually 1 per plant, seasonal, absent during winter, deltate, 3--4-pinnate, 5--25 cm wide when mature, thin, herbaceous. Leaf primordia densely hairy, hairs 1.5--2mm. Leaf sheath open. Pinna divisions reduced in size to tip. First pinnule on basal pinnae usually borne acroscopically. Sporophores long-stalked, arising from middle to distal portion of common stalk well above ground level, commonly absent due to abortion in early development or seasonal, stalks only slightly flattened, not fleshy, 0.5--0.8mm wide. x =92.

Species 2--3 (1 in the flora): worldwide.


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