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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Orchidaceae

Cleisostoma Blume


Epiphytic herbs. Stems short or long, erect or pendulous, rooting near base. Leaves flat or terete, usually very narrow, often unequally 2-lobed at apex, articulated with sheath. Inflorescence simple or branched, erect or pendulous; bracts much shorter than pedicel and ovary. Flowers racemose or paniculate; sepals and petals free, similar; lip not mobile, saccate, 3-lobed at mouth of sac, lateral lobes erect, triangular, midlobe triangular to semiorbicular or sagittate, sac conic-cylindrical, with large appendage inside or variously thickened on inner wall and blocking entrance, usually longitudinally septate; column very short; anther terminal, incumbent, operculate, with reduced partitions; pollinia 4, waxy, in 2 groups, stipe narrow or broad, viscidium large or small, sometimes horseshoe-shaped; stigma entire.

About 90 species, from the Himalaya and Sri Lanka through southeast Asia and Indonesia to Papua New Guinea. Two species in Taiwan.


1 Flowers with brownish red bands; midlobe of lip sagittate; viscidium horseshoe-shaped.   Cleisostoma paniculatum
+ Flowers without bands; midlobe of lip semi-orbicular; viscidium ellipsoid.   Cleisostoma uraiensis

Lower Taxa

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Flora of China  
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