Erect branched annuals, more or less glandular pilose. Leaves opposite, ovate, toothed. Heads radiate, small, in loose leafy panicles, yellow, heterogamous. Involucre campanulate; bracts herbaceous, few, outer ones spreading, linear-spatulate, with stipitate glands on upper half, inner ones enclosing ray florets. Receptacle paleaceous, paleae concave, enveloping florets, outer paleae coriaceous, densely glandular hairy abaxially. Ray florets fertile, corolla tube short, limb 2- or 3-toothed. Disc florets tubular, bisexual, fertile, corolla 5-lobed. Anthers entire at base. Style arms in bisexual florets short, flattened, acute. Achenes oblong, 4-angled, truncate, often incurved at tip, narrowed at base, glabrous, blackish. Pappus absent.
About 3 to 6 species according to species concept, widely distributed in the warmer regions of the world; one species in Taiwan.