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Tephroseris (Reichenb.) Reichenb.


PENG, Ching-I & CHUNG, Shih-Wen

Herbs, perennial, rarely annual or biennial. Leaves frequently rosulate, radical and cauline, entire to serrate-dentate, pinnately veined. Heads corymbose or rarely solitary, radiate or occasionally discoid. Involucre ecalyculate. Florets yellow, orange or purplish red. Style branches with continuous stigmatic areas. Achenes oblong, ribbed, glabrous or pubescent. Pappus of many fine bristles.

About 50 species in temperate Eurasia, one extending to North America; two species in Taiwan.

Jeffrey, C. & Y. L. Chen. 1984. Taxonomic studies on the tribe Senecioneae (Compositae) of Eastern Asia. Kew. Bull. 39(2): 205-446.


1 Radical leaves densely cobwebby, 5-10 cm long; heads ca. 3-9; achenes densely pilose.   Tephroseris kirilowii
+ Radical leaves glabrous, 10-25 cm long; heads ca. 80; achenes glabrous.   Tephroseris taitoensis

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