Biennial herbs; stems erect, branched. Leaves alternate, lyrate-pinnatifid, lower surface densely whitish tomentose, radical leaves sessile, cauline leaves petiolate. Heads many, discoid, homogamous, long peduncled, in large open panicles of corymbs. Involucre ovoid, bracts in many series, imbricate, outer ones with a keeled appendage abaxially, inner bracts much narrower. Receptacle nearly flat, long setose. Flowers bisexual, fertile, long tubular, purplish. Anthers sagittate at base, tails short, fimbriate. Style branches rounded-truncate, granular-tuberculate at tip, tuberculate on back, becoming recurved. Achenes oblong or obovoid, 10-15-ribbed, glabrous. Pappus bristles 2-seriate, outer ones shorter, few, persistent, rather broad, inner ones more slender, white, deciduous.
Single species in India, eastern Asia and Australia.