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Flora of Taiwan | Family List | Violaceae | Viola

Viola obtusa var. tsuifengensis Hashimoto, Ann. Tsukuba bot. Gard., 1: 3. f. 2. 1987. Wang & Huang in Taiwania 35: 49. 1990.


Perennial herb; rhizome horizontal to erect, more or less stout; Stem up to 15 cm, ascending to erect. Basal leaves 1.5-3 cm long, 1.5-2.5 cm broad, cordate-ovate, acute at the apex, cauline leaves 1-2.5 cm long, 0.9-2.8 cm broad, triangular-cordate, shallowly cordate to nearly truncate at base, acute to acuminate at apex, depressed crenate on margin, glabrous or sparsely on both surfaces, herbaceous to chartaceous; petioles 0.5-2 cm long, shorter or equal to the blades; stipules 8-10 mm long, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, sparsely fimbricate-laciniate on margin, glabrous, free. Flowers 1-1.5 cm across, light purple; peduncles 3-6 cm long, slender, exceeding leaves; sepals 5-7 mm long, ca. 1 mm broad, lanceolate, acuminate at apex, entire, glabrous; appendages 1-1.5 mm long, sparsely dentate or squarish, glabrous; petals oblong to oblanceolate, 2-3 mm broad, the basal longest, somewhat rounded at apex, the lateral pair beardless; spurs ca. 2 mm long, slightly exceeding calycine appendages, cylindrical, obtuse; styles 3 mm long, geniculate at base, apex rostrate with terminal stigmatic opening. Capsules erect, 5-7 mm long, ellipsoid, glabrous. Seeds ovoid, ca. 1.2 mm long.

Hsinchu: Kwanwu, Wang 4126. Taichung: Wuling Farm, Yang s.n. 1988.



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