Artemisia gmelinii Web. ex Stechm.
Taproot thick up to 3-5 cm diam. Perennial or sub-shrub 50-100 cm, richly branched. Leaves petiolate, elliptic, bipinnately dissected, densely white or grey pubescent beneath, loosely pubescent above. Flower heads globose, nodding, in a short panicle. V - early spring to late autumn (in nature March to November). Fl - August. Fr - September - October. P - by seed or cuttings. Does well in the dry climate. Requires a sunny position. Good for group planting. Z 5 (4).
Siberia (southern regions), Central Asia (northeastern region), Far East (southern continental regions and Sakhalin Island), North China and Mongolia. In open forests and in meadows and clearings.
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