25. Artemisia gmelinii Web. ex Stechm., Dissert. De Artem. 17. 1775; DC., Prodr. 6: 106. 1838; Poljakov in Schischk. & Bobrov, Fl. USSR 26: 464. t. 23, f. 2. 1961; Tsiang & Li, Icon. Corm. Sin. 4: 535. fig. 6484. 1975; Fu Hiang-Chian in Ma Yu-Chuan, Fl. Intramong. 6: 152. t. 52. fig. 1-6. 1982; Kitam. in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nep. 3: 12. 1982.
A. sacrorum Ledeb. in Mem. Acad. Sci. Petersb. 5: 571. 1805; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3: 326. 1881; R. R. Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vasc. Pl. W. Pak. & Kashm. 719. 1972; Pamp. in Nuouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 36: 387. 1929 pro parte; A. vestita Wall. ex DC., Prodr. 6: 106. 1938; Hook. f., l. c. 326. 1882; R. R. Stewart, l.c. 720; A. gmelini Web. ex Stechm. var. vestita Nakai, Fl. Kor. 2: 31. 1911; Fu Hiang Chian, l. c.
Perennial shrub with several, erect, woody, strigose, brownish-grey, upright, 50-100 cm tall, finely sulcate stems from woody, upright 2.5-3 cm thick rootstock. Leaves glabrous, green and punctate glandular above, densely appressed albescent arachnoid below; basal petiolate, lamina oblong-ovate, 3 – 8 (-15) x 1-6 (-8) cm, bipinnatisect into lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, less than 1 mm wide, serrate or entire, acute ultimate segments; middle and upper stem leaves shortly petioled to sessile, 2.5 – 3.5 cm long, 1-2-pinnatisect; uppermost in the floral region uni-pinnatisect or linear-entire. Capitula heterogamous, shortly recurved pedunculate, subglobose, 2 – 2.5 x 2.5 – 3 mm, nodding in a narrow to wide, oblong-pyramidate, 20 – 40 x 6 – 25 cm, densely congested panicle with 6 – 12 cm long, ± ascending to somewhat patent primary branches. Involucre 4-5-seriate; outermost phyllaries triangular-ovate, c. 1.25 – 1.5 mm long, strigose outside, narrowly membranous margined, acute; median oblong-elliptic, c. 2 x 0.8 mm, green midrib, broadly membranous margined, hoary outside, obtuse; innermost membranous-hyaline, elliptic, slightly smaller than median, obtuse. Receptacle conical, glabrous. Florets 25-30, yellow, all fertile; marginal florets 10 – 12, with narrowly tubular, c. 1 mm long, glandulose, bidentate corolla; disc florets 15-18 with conical, c. 1.75 mm long, glandular, 5-toothed corolla. Cypselas narrowly oblong-oval, c. 1.5 mm long, finely striate, brown.
Fl. Per.: September-November.
Holotype: Described from Len & Angaria (B). Isotype (LE).
Distribution: Mongolia, China, Russia (W. & E. Siberia, Far East), and Indo-Pakistan subcontinent (N. W. Himalayas).