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Campanula alliariifolia Willd.

Taprooted plant with leafy shoots reaching 50-70 cm. Basal leaves triangular-cordate with petioles 15-20 cm. Basal stem leaves smaller, with shorter petioles, upper leaves sessile, much reduced, all with white tomentum. Flowers light violet or white, large (3-3.5 cm long) in one-sided cymose inflorescence. V - early spring to late autumn. Fl - early summer (June in St. Petersburg) for 2-3 weeks, a few flowers during July and August. Fr - a month after flowering. P - by seed or by division. Prefers sunny places. Good for group planting. Z 4.

Caucasus and also in Asia Minor. Among rocks in forest zone.

The closely related C. dolomitica E. Busch differs in its shorter shoots and larger yellow flowers. It occurs in the Great Caucasus Range. Biology and growth reqirements are the same as for C. alliariifolia. Z 4. New.


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