Scilla mischtschenkoana Grossh.
Plant 10-15 (-30) cm. Bulbs ovoid, grey-brown, 1.5-3 cm diam. Leaves 3-4(-5), linear, sulcate, 10-12 cm long, nearly 1 cm broad. Flower stem with 2-6 broadly campanulate, white-azure flowers up 2-3 cm diam. V - early spring (St. Petersburg April), to mid summer. Fl - early spring for 3 weeks. Fr - early or mid summer. P - by bulblets and seed, comes into flower in the third year after sowing. Plant on well-drained soil, in a sunny or semi-shaded position. Recommended for rock gardens and group planting for spring decoration. Z 4. New.
Caucasus (southern Transcaucasus) and northern Iran. Dry stony slopes, mountain meadows.
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