Tulipa tarda Stapf
[(subgenus Eriostemones)]
Plant 5-15 cm, stem dark green. Leaves in rosette, 3-7, sulcate, light green, linear-lanceolate. Flowers 1-7, 3-5 cm in diam., stellate, white with yellow base. Outer segments green, creamy-margined outside. Filaments and anthers yellow. V - early spring to mid-spring. Fl - March (in St. Petersburg April). Fr - June. P - freely vegetatively, also self-sowing. Does well on any soil, very persistant. Can live for many years in the same place, once established. Full sun, also partial shade. Good for any spring decoration. Many years in cultivation. Z 4 (3).
Central Asia (northern Tien Shan). Stony and debris slopes.
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