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40. Acalypha Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 1003. 1753.

铁苋菜属 tie xian cai shu

Authors: Huaxing Qiu & Michael G. Gilbert

Herbs, shrubs or trees, mostly monoecious, sometimes dioecious; indumentum of simple or sometimes gland-tipped hairs. Leaves alternate; stipules lanceolate or subulate, sometimes minute, deciduous; leaf blade simple, margins crenate or dentate, rarely subentire; venation pinnate or palmate. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, mostly unbranched, bisexual or unisexual, sexes very diversely arranged, mostly bisexual with male flowers in fascicles distally along slender axis, base with 1 to few female flowers, mostly enclosed within prominent leafy bracts. Male flowers sessile; sepals 4, valvate, membranous; petals absent; disk absent; stamens often 8; filaments free; anthers 2-locular, anther-thecae pendulous and vermiform; pistillode absent. Female flowers 1-3 per bract, often sessile; bracts often dentate or lobed, accrescent in fruit; sepals 3-5, shortly connate, imbricate; ovary (2 or)3-locular; styles mostly free, laciniate. Fruit a capsule 2- or 3-lobed, small. Seeds subglobose or ovoid, smooth; caruncle and aril absent.

About 450 species: widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions; 18 species (seven endemic, two introduced) in China.

1 Inflorescences unisexual; plants monoecious or dioecious; shrubs   (2)
+ Inflorescences usually bisexual; plants monoecious; herbs or shrubs   (7)
2 (1) Female spikes elongated, pendulous; bracts small, entire, ca. 1 mm; plants dioecious   (3)
+ Females spikes less than 10 cm; bracts 3-5 mm, denticulate or serrate; plants monoecious   (5)
3 (2) Female bracts ovate-rhombic, 3-7 flowers in each bract; styles 5-7 mm, exserted (cultivated).   13 A. hispida
+ Female bracts ovate, solitary flower in each bract; styles 2-5 mm, less conspicuous   (4)
4 (3) Ovary and fruit often 2-locular, styles 2, 2-3 mm.   14 A. caturus
+ Ovary 3-locular, styles 3, 2.5-5 mm.   15 A. suirenbiensis
5 (2) Female bracts broadly ovate, ca. 5 × 8 mm, 7-11-serrate; ovary pubescent, style 6-7 mm; leaves colored, or with red or purple spots (cultivated).   18 A. wilkesiana
+ Female bracts 10-denticulate; ovary hirsute or hirtellous, style 2.5-4 mm; leaves green   (6)
6 (5) Stipule ovate, ca. 8 mm; female bracts half-orbicular, ca. 5 mm; style ca. 4 mm.   16 A. angatensis
+ Stipule lanceolate, ca. 12 mm; female bracts broadly ovate, 3-3.5 mm; style 2.5-3 mm.   17 A. akoensis
7 (1) Annual herbs; inflorescences with short slender male portion   (8)
+ Shrubs; inflorescences with longer male portion, sometimes unisexual   (11)
8 (7) Inflorescences less than 1 cm, subsessile; female bracts deeply 3-5-lobed.   4 A. supera
+ Inflorescences more than 1 cm; female bracts not lobed, margin crenate or denticulate   (9)
9 (8) Inflorescences with female bracts 1 or 2(-4), ovate-cordate, 14-25 mm; allomorphic female flower absent.   1 A. australis
+ Inflorescences with female bracts 3-9, less than 5 mm; allomorphic female flower usually present near apex   (10)
10 (9) Branchlets adpressed pubescent when young; female bracts ovate-cordate, crenulate.   2 A. indica
+ Branchlets pubescent and sparsely hirsute when young; female bracts fan-shaped, denticulate.   3 A. lanceolata
11 (7) Spikes bisexual, peduncle less than 4 mm; female bracts 1-5   (12)
+ Spikes bisexual or unisexual, peduncle more than 5 mm; female bracts usually solitary   (13)
12 (11) Leaf blade ovate or narrowly ovate, puberulent along veins; female bracts ca. 2 × 3 mm, margin 4- or 5-toothed; ovary hairy and sparsely shortly echinate.   11 A. kerrii
+ Leaf blade rhombic or ovate-rhombic, glabrous; female bracts ca. 6 mm, ca. 11-toothed; ovary densely echinate.   12 A. siamensis
13 (11) Leaf apex long acuminate or caudate-acuminate; female sepals (3 or)4(or 5)   (14)
+ Leaf apex acute or acuminate; female sepals 3   (15)
14 (13) Adult leaves pilose only along veins; female bracts cupulate, ca. 5 mm; ovary hairy; capsule pilose and scattered tuberculate.   5 A. acmophylla
+ Adult leaves uniformly pilose; female bracts suborbicular, 5-7 mm; ovary hairy and shortly echinate; capsule softly many echinate, with pilose hairs, ca. 1 mm.   7 A. mairei
15 (13) Stipules subulate or triangular   (16)
+ Stipules lanceolate, pilose   (17)
16 (15) Adult leaves pilose along midvein, 3-veined, stipules subulate, 1.5-3 mm; female bracts broadly ovate, subglabrous; ovary densely setulose; capsule scattered shortly softly setose.   6 A. wui
+ Adult leaves uniformly pilose, venation pinnate, stipules narrowly triangular, ca. 1 mm; female bracts suborbicular, ciliate; ovary hairy; capsule sparsely shortly echinate, pilose.   10 A. hainanensis
17 (15) Female bracts 10-12 mm, dentate, pilose.   8 A. schneideriana
+ Female bracts ca. 6 mm, denticulate, glabrous.   9 A. matsudae

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