5. Antenoron Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. 28. 1817.
金线草属 jin xian cao shu
Li Anjen (李安仁 Li An-ren); Chong-wook Park
Sunania Rafinesque; Tovara Adanson, nom. rej.
Herbs perennial, monoecious. Rhizomes robust. Stems erect, simple or branched above. Leaves simple, alternate, petiolate; leaf blade elliptic or obovate, margin entire; ocrea membranous. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, racemose, spicate. Pedicel divergent, articulate. Flowers bisexual. Perianth persistent, 4-parted. Stamens 5. Styles 2, persistent, enlarged and indurate at maturity, apex hooked. Achenes ovoid, biconvex.
Three species: Asia, North America; one species in China.
Treatments by Haraldson (Symb. Bot. Upsal. 22(2): 1–95. 1978) and Ronse Decraene & Akeroyd (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 321–371. 1988), considered Antenoron to be a section of Persicaria, for which the correct name is P. sect. Tovara. For further information, the reader may wish to refer to the following studies: Park et al. (Korean J. Bot. 35: 385–392. 1992) and Mun & Park (Pl. Syst. Evol. 196: 153–159. 1995).