18. Antenoron Rafin., Fl. Ludov. 28. 1817; Grierson & D.G.Long, Fl. Bhutan 1(1): 166. 1983.
Tovara Adans. Fam. 2: 276. 1763; Benth. & Hook., Gen. Pl. 3: 98. 1880; Sunania Rafin., Fl. Tellur. 3: 95. 1836; Polygonum L. Sect. Tovara (Adans.) Gross 23: 7-32. 1913.
Rhizomatous, tall, perennial herbs. Leaves elliptic obovate, broad, ochrea tubular. Flowers distant in a selender, long, leafless spicate raceme. Perianth 4-partite in lower half, unequal, scarcely enlarged in the fruit. Stamens 5, alternating with sessile glands, styles 2, hooked at the apex, persistent in fruit. Nuts compressed, strongly biconvex.
A small genus with 2 species, showing a disjunct distribution, North America, Eastern Asia extending up to Philippines. Represented in Pakistan by the following species.
Lower Taxon
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