9. Cyclogramma Tagawa, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7: 52. 1938.
钩毛蕨属 gou mao jue shu
Authors: Youxing Lin & Kunio Iwatsuki
Plants medium-sized, terrestrial. Rhizomes short and strong, erect or long creeping, with grayish white unicellular short acicular hairs and few thick scales; scales brown, broadly lanceolate and with acicular and hooked hairs or along margins. Fronds clustered or sparse; stipes ± hairy or subglabrous; laminae oblong or broadly lanceolate, acuminate or pinnatifid at apices; pinnae large, alternate or opposite, lanceolate, proximal several pairs sometimes shortened into auricles, sessile or occasionally shortly stalked, middle pinnae pinnatifid; segments large, lanceolate or suboblong, entire, rounded-obtuse or obtusely pointed at apices. Veins pinnate, free, lateral ones simple, reaching margins above sinuses. Laminae herbaceous or papery, when dry brownish green or nearly brown, both surfaces ± with grayish white unicellular short acicular hairs and few hooked thick long hairs, aerophores present at bases of pinnae and abaxially on rachises. Sori small, consisting of few sporangia, orbicular, dorsifixed at middle or below middle of veinlets, arranged in one row on each side of costules, exindusiate; sporangia shortly stalked and with 1-3 erect short setae or hooked hairs on both sides of annuli near top. Spores bilateral, orbicular-reniform, perispores clearly echinate or corrugate on surfaces, exospore smooth. x = 9.
About ten species: mainly in mountains of subtropical regions; nine species (seven endemic) in China.
1 |
Laminae clearly tapering to bases, i.e., proximal 1 to several pairs of pinnae shortened, proximal one auriculate |
(2) |
+ |
Laminae not tapering to bases, i.e., proximal pair of pinnae similar in size to distal ones |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Proximal 2-5 pairs of pinnae gradually shortened, proximal 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae auriculate, less than 1 cm |
(3) |
+ |
Proximal 1-3 pairs of pinnae gradually shortened or abruptly shortened, proximal pair of pinnae not auriculate, 2-4 cm |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Plants to more than 100 cm tall; rhizomes short and erect; adaxially with sparse appressed short hairs on intercostal areas, rachises with thick and long acicular hairs and with remaining marks after hairs fallen; sporangia each with 1 or 2 setae near top of annulus. |
1 C. auriculata |
+ |
Plants 60-70 cm tall; rhizomes long creeping; adaxially subglabrous on intercostal area, hairs on both sides of rachises leaving tubercular marks after fallen; sporangia glabrous. |
2 C. omeiensis |
4 (2) |
Proximal pair of pinnae abruptly shortened; adaxially subglabrous on intercostal areas; sori dorsiflexed at middle of veinlets, located between costae and margins and not confluent when mature. |
3 C. leveillei |
+ |
Proximal 2 or 3 pairs of pinnae gradually shortened; adaxially with sparse appressed short acicular hairs; sori dorsifixed near bases of veinlets and close to costules, ?confluent when mature. |
4 C. costularisora |
5 (1) |
Smaller aerophores not clearly present at bases of pinnae on rachises |
(6) |
+ |
Aerophores linear-lanceolate to triangular-lanceolate at bases of pinnae on rachises |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Rhizomes long creeping or ascending; pinnae with sparse short acicular hairs abaxially, adaxially with dense short acicular hairs along costae; sori dorsifixed below middle of veinlets and slightly close to costules. |
8 C. flexilis |
+ |
Rhizomes short and erect; pinnae with dense short acicular hairs abaxially, adaxially with dense short acicular hairs along costae and mixed with few long acicular hairs; sori dorsifixed above middle of veinlets and far from costules. |
9 C. tibetica |
7 (5) |
Pinnae from middle clearly shortly stalked; sori dorsiflexed at middle or above middle and far from costules. |
5 C. maguanensis |
+ |
Pinnae not stalked; sori dorsifixed below middle of veinlets and slightly close to costules |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Rhizomes short and erect; laminae papery; sporangia usually glabrous; plants 1.3-2.2 m tall. |
6 C. neoauriculata |
+ |
Rhizomes long creeping; laminae herbaceous; sporangia each with 1 or 2 short setae; plants less than 1 m tall. |
7 C. chunii |
Lower Taxa
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