1 |
Stipe base not swollen, without pneumatophore |
(2) |
+ |
Stipe base swollen, usually winged with pneumatophore |
(23) |
2 (1) |
Veins anastomosing |
(3) |
+ |
Veins free |
(6) |
3 (2) |
Free fertile pinnae repand or pinnatilobate at margin; lateral veins obvious, costae with sparse hairs |
(4) |
+ |
Free fertile pinnae entire, undulate, or shallowly lobed; lateral veins not obvious, costae subglabrous |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Free pinnae of fertile frond 1-5 pairs, margin usually repand, occasionally crenate or pinnatilobate; pinna lobes flat, broad, blunt, oval, symmetrical. |
33 D. heterophlebia |
+ |
Free pinnae of fertile frond 6-8 pairs, margin shallowly lobed; pinna lobes deltoid-oblong, asymmetrical, subfalcate, apex obtuse. |
34 D. yunnanensis |
5 (3) |
Fertile lamina deeply pinnatilobate or 1-pinnate with 1 or 2(or 3) free basal pairs of pinnae; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, base rounded. |
35 D. formosana |
+ |
Fertile lamina 1-pinnate with 3-6 pairs of free lateral pinnae; lower pinnae usually broadly lanceolate, sometimes oblong-lanceolate, base subcordate. |
36 D. hainanensis |
6 (2) |
Lamina simple or pinnatilobate; rachis glabrous, costa abaxially glabrous; sori elongate |
(7) |
+ |
Lamina 1-3-pinnate; rachis hairy, costa abaxially hairy; sori variable (elongate, horseshoe-shaped, J-shaped, or orbicular-reniform) |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Lamina simple, margin entire or repand. |
37 D. lancea |
+ |
Lamina pinnatilobate. |
38 D. tomitaroana |
8 (6) |
Rhizome ascending or erect; fronds caespitose |
(9) |
+ |
Rhizome slender, creeping; fronds distant to approximate |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Rhizome erect; indusia lacerate, ciliate at margin, perispore surface with sparse auriculate and aculeate projections. |
39 D. omeiensis |
+ |
Rhizome ascending; indusia subentire, slightly denticulate, or erose |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Lamina ovate-oblong; indusia erose at margin; perispore surface with dense unevenly long aculeate projections. |
40 D. concinna |
+ |
Lamina narrowly ovate or ovate; indusia subentire or slightly denticulate; perispore surface with dense clavate and thickly aculeate projections. |
41 D. dickasonii |
11 (8) |
Lamina narrowly lanceolate, lanceolate, broadly lanceolate, or narrowly deltoid; pinnae rounded and acute at apex |
(12) |
+ |
Lamina ovate, oblong, deltoid, broadly lanceolate, or broadly oblong-lanceolate, acuminate to long acuminate at apex, rarely acute |
(16) |
12 (11) |
Lamina herbaceous, rachis and costae with often many curly long nodose hairs on both surfaces; free pinnae 1 or 2(or 3) pairs; indusia with short, nodose hairs or glabrous, margin lacerate, ciliate, usually flat, rarely incurved; perispore with dense and apically rounded, aculeate projections. |
42 D. petersenii |
+ |
Lamina thinly herbaceous or submembranous, with sparsely nodose hairs; free pinnae often more than 5 pairs, rarely 2 or 3 pairs |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Lamina narrowly lanceolate, lanceolate, or broadly lanceolate, 3-5 ?as long as wide; indusial margin usually erose, few lacerate |
(14) |
+ |
Lamina narrowly deltoid, 2-3 ?as long as wide; indusial margin lacerate, ciliate, flat when young |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Lamina narrowly or broadly lanceolate, 4-5 ?as long as wide, less than 5 cm wide; indusial margin mostly flat when young, rarely incurved; perispore with verrucose and fossulate (muriform) ornamentation. |
43 D. conilii |
+ |
Lamina broadly lanceolate, ca. 3 ?as long as wide, 8-11 cm wide; indusial margin incurved when young; surface of perispore with irregular tuberculate ornamentation. |
44 D. lushanensis |
15 (13) |
Free pinnae more than 5 pairs, basal pinnae prominently longer than above; indusial surface with ?tiny nodose hairs. |
45 D. pseudoconilii |
+ |
Free pinnae 2 or 3 pairs, basal 1 pair often slightly reduced or nearly as long as second one; indusial surface glabrous. |
46 D. pachyphylla |
16 (11) |
Lamina broadly lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 2-4 ?as long as wide, less than 12 cm wide, apex acuminate or acute; margin of indusia shallowly erose or subentire, involute when young |
(17) |
+ |
Lamina ovate, oblong, deltoid, or narrowly deltoid, 2 ?or less as long as wide, apex acuminate to long acuminate; margin of indusia deeply or shallowly lacerate, often erose when old, incurved or flat when young |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Lamina broadly lanceolate, basal pinnae not reduced; sori subcostular, perispore surface with irregular auriculate ornamentation. |
47 D. shandongensis |
+ |
Lamina oblong or broadly lanceolate, 2 or 3 basal pairs of pinnae gradually reduced; basal pair of pinnae oblique, ovate, ca. 1/2 ?as long as middle pinnae; sori medial, perispore surface densely long aculeate and with long clavate ornamentation. |
48 D. abbreviata |
18 (16) |
Free pinnae mostly ascending at 60?angle, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, pinna lobes prominently ascending, with sparse nodose hairs on both surfaces of lamina; surface of indusia glabrous. |
49 D. japonica |
+ |
Free pinnae usually ascending at angles more than 70?or spreading, pinna lobes spreading or oblique at angles more than 50?(often 60?70?; rachis and costae abaxially usually with prominently thick, long, nodose hairs; adaxial surface of pinna with slender pointed short nodose hairs; surface of indusia hairy or glabrous |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Stipe and rachis with dense pale brown, transparent or translucent, lanceolate to linear, thickly clathrate membranous scales and thick nodose hairs 2-3 mm |
(20) |
+ |
Stipe and rachis below often with nodose hairs ca. 1.5 mm and sparsely scaly |
(21) |
20 (19) |
Pinna lobes entire or undulate at margin, at most shallowly crenate, rachis with dense thick long nodose hairs on abaxial side, mixed with 2- or 3-cells-wide, thickly clathrate, long linear scales; indusial surface hairy, margin flat when young, perispore surface densely thick clavate and with aculeate ornamentation. |
50 D. kiusiana |
+ |
Pinna lobes crenate at margin; basal and medial parts of rachis dense with 2- or 3-cells-wide, thickly clathrate, long linear scales, mixed with few thick, long nodose hairs, upper part of rachis with sparse scales and many nodose hairs; indusial surface glabrous, margin mostly flat when young, partly incurved, perispore surface with dense mostly truncate and clavate ornamentation. |
51 D. jinfoshanensis |
21 (19) |
Pinnae below middle broadly cuneate or cuneate; pinna lobes often oblong or ligulate-oblong, apex acute or truncate, oblique, rarely rounded. |
42 D. petersenii |
+ |
Pinnae below middle shallowly cordiform or truncate at base; pinna lobes ligulate-oblong or oblique, falcate oblong, apex rounded |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Pinna lobes usually entire or repand, sometimes crenate; indusial surface hairy, margin lacerate, incurved when young; perispore surface with dense thick uniformly slender clavate ornamentation. |
52 D. dimorphophyllum |
+ |
Pinna lobes usually serrate, or finely repand; indusial surface usually glabrous, margin lacerate, usually flat when young, rarely incurved; perispore surface with most apically truncate clavate, sometimes narrow, flakelike projections. |
53 D. longipes |
23 (1) |
Lowest pinnule not auricled and slightly reduced; sori linear, J-shaped, U-shaped, or orbicular-reniform, not or rarely diplazioid |
(24) |
+ |
Lowest pinnule auricled and slightly to hardly reduced; sori linear, J-shaped, diplazioid, or U-shaped |
(36) |
24 (23) |
Sori oblong or shortly linear, sometimes curved; indusia oblong, lunate, J-shaped, or horseshoe-shaped |
(25) |
+ |
Sori mostly orbicular or elliptic; indusia orbicular-reniform, horseshoe-shaped, J-shaped, or lunate |
(30) |
25 (24) |
Lamina 3-pinnate; pinnules stalked, pinnatilobate to pinnatipartite at margin, lateral veins pinnate. |
1 D. pterorachis |
+ |
Lamina pinnate-pinnatifid; pinnules entire or toothed at margin, lateral veins simple or forked |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Lamina ovate, pinnae stalked; stipe and rachis with dense multicellular hairs; spore surface with long spines. |
2 D. erecta |
+ |
Lamina oblong, pinnae sessile; stipe and rachis with sparse vermiculate hairs consisting of 2 or 3 rows of cells; spore surface with folded or rugate processes |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Segments entire (occasionally repand), lateral veins simple; sori mostly shortly linear (sometimes slightly curved), occasionally J-shaped. |
3 D. chinensis |
+ |
Segments toothed, lateral veins 2- or 3(or 4)-forked; sori horseshoe-shaped, J-shaped, oblong, or elliptic |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Lamina with sparse brown spinelike thick hairs adaxially; lateral veins usually forked. |
4 D. setigera |
+ |
Lamina subglabrate, without spinelike thick hairs adaxially; lateral veins usually 2-4-forked |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Rhizomes ascending or suberect; sori usually narrowly oblong, lunate, or J-shaped. |
5 D. coreana |
+ |
Rhizomes shortly creeping; sori shortly oblong, J-shaped, or horseshoe-shaped. |
6 D. henryi |
30 (24) |
Lamina 2-pinnate-pinnatifid with pinnules free or connected by costal wing |
(31) |
+ |
Lamina 2-pinnatipartite with pinnules adnate to costa |
(33) |
31 (30) |
Pinnules free, shortly stalked. |
13 D. boryana |
+ |
Pinnules ?connected with costa |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Lamina thickly herbaceous, pinnules subquadrangular at base, pinnatifid 1/2 or less to costule, segments entire or repand-toothed. |
11 D. okuboana |
+ |
Lamina thinly herbaceous, pinnules broadly cuneate at base, pinnatifid more than 2/3 to costule, segments crenate. |
12 D. viridifrons |
33 (30) |
Sori elliptic or orbicular-elliptic, indusia lunate or horseshoe-shaped. |
7 D. confusa |
+ |
Sori orbicular or suborbicular, indusia orbicular-reniform, occasionally horseshoe-shaped |
(34) |
34 (33) |
Stipe and rachis with sparse dark brown ovate-lanceolate scales; segments crenate; veins forked to 3(or 4)-forked. |
8 D. stenopterum |
+ |
Stipe and rachis clothed with very many blackish brown, shiny, broadly lanceolate scales; segments entire or toothed; lateral veins forked, occasionally simple or 3-forked |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Pinnae narrowly elliptic or elliptic, pinnatisect nearly to costae; pinna segments unevenly long, basiscopic segments longer than acroscopic segments, often falcate. |
9 D. falcatipinnula |
+ |
Pinnae lanceolate, pinnatifid, segments even, oblong. |
10 D. unifurcata |
36 (23) |
Rhizomes ascending or shortly creeping; lamina with only 3 pairs of lower pinnae slightly shortened, basal pair of pinnae usually more than 3 cm; multicellular short hairs present at sinus between segments. |
14 D. pycnosora |
+ |
Rhizomes erect; lamina with more pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened or only basal 2 or 3 pairs slightly shortened; multicellular short hairs absent or present at sinus between segments; perispore surface with rugose, rugate, saccate, papillate, baculate processes, or ridged folds |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Multicellular hairs ?present at sinus between segments |
(38) |
+ |
Multicellular hairs absent at sinus between segments |
(42) |
38 (37) |
Lamina with only few pairs of lower pinnae slightly shortened, basal pair of pinnae never shortened as auriculate, usually more than 2 cm, stipes usually more than 10-15 cm |
(39) |
+ |
Lamina with numerous pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened toward base, basal pair of pinnae no more than 1-2 cm, often auriculate, stipes usually within 10-15 cm |
(40) |
39 (38) |
Indusia with short glandular hairs on back. |
15 D. auriculata |
+ |
Indusia without or with short glandular hairs only on lower part of back. |
16 D. giraldii |
40 (38) |
Multicellular hairs sparsely present on surfaces of segments. |
19 D. sichuanensis |
+ |
Multicellular long hairs densely present on surfaces of segments |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Spore surface with few discontinuous low folds or rugose folds; rachis and costae with dense multicellular long hairs and scale hairs; hairs absent at margin of segments. |
17 D. hirtirachis |
+ |
Spore surface with rugate, saccate folds, or papillate, verrucose processes; rachis and costae only with sparse multicellular hairs; segments with multicellular long hairs at margin. |
18 D. liangshanensis |
42 (37) |
Perispore surface with continuous low folds or discontinuous rugose folds |
(43) |
+ |
Perispore surface with rugate, saccate folds or papillate, verrucose, or baculate processes |
(46) |
43 (42) |
Numerous pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened toward base, basal pair of pinnae no more than 2 cm, often auriculate |
(44) |
+ |
Only 2 or 3 pairs of lower pinnae slightly shortened toward base, basal pair of pinnae usually more than 3 cm |
(45) |
44 (43) |
Fertile fronds only ca. 30 cm; segments thinner, less than 2 mm wide, subentire at margin, pinnae and segments approximate; multicellular hairs thicker and longer on abaxial surface of rachis and costae. |
20 D. sikkimensis |
+ |
Fertile fronds more than 60 cm; segments more than 4 mm wide, serrulate at margin, pinnae and segments separate; multicellular hairs thin and short on abaxial surface of rachis and costae. |
21 D. medogensis |
45 (43) |
Multicellular hairs very short on adaxial surface of fertile pinnae, inconspicuous; hairs thin, short, and sparse on abaxial surface of rachis and costae; indusia subentire. |
22 D. vegetior |
+ |
Multicellular hairs visible on adaxial surface of fertile pinnae; hairs thick and long on abaxial surface of rachis and costae; indusia slightly erose or shortly ciliate at margin. |
23 D. acuta |
46 (42) |
Only few pairs of lower pinnae slightly shortened toward base, basal pair of pinnae usually more than 2 cm, never auriculate, stipes usually more than 10-15 cm |
(47) |
+ |
Numerous pairs of lower pinnae gradually shortened toward base, basal pair of pinnae no more than 1-2 cm, often auriculate, stipes usually 10-15 cm |
(49) |
47 (46) |
Spore surface with dense baculate processes or spines. |
24 D. emeiensis |
+ |
Spore surface with sparse rugate, saccate folds or papillate, verrucose processes |
(48) |
48 (47) |
Lower pinnae narrowly deltoid-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, prominently broadened toward base, their basal segments reflexed. |
25 D. ludingensis |
+ |
Lower pinnae lanceolate, not broadened toward base, their basal segments explanate |
26 D. wilsonii |
49 (46) |
Multicellular hairs thin, short, and sparse at abaxial surfaces of rachis and costae |
(50) |
+ |
Multicellular hairs thick, long, and rather dense on abaxial surfaces of rachis and costae |
(51) |
50 (49) |
Segments truncate at apex. |
27 D. vermiformis |
+ |
Segments obtuse-rounded or obtuse at apex. |
28 D. shennongensis |
51 (49) |
Segments truncate at apex. |
29 D. truncata |
+ |
Segments rounded or obtuse, occasionally rounded-truncate at apex |
(52) |
52 (51) |
Fertile fronds less than 30 cm; pinnae fewer than 12 pairs, less than 5 cm; segments 5-7 pairs. |
30 D. brevipinna |
+ |
Fertile fronds more than 30 cm; pinnae up to 20 pairs, more than 5 cm; segments more than 12 pairs |
(53) |
53 (52) |
Fertile fronds up to more than 1 m, lamina linear-oblanceolate, pinnae more than 25-30 pairs. |
31 D. dolosa |
+ |
Fertile fronds 30-70 cm, lamina oblong or oblanceolate, pinnae 20-25 pairs. |
32 D. jiulungensis |