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41. Draba Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 642. 1753.

葶苈属 ting li shu

Draba korshinskyi

Credit: Photo: Al-Shehbaz

Herbs perennial, rarely annual, biennial (or subshrubs with woody stems). Trichomes simple, forked, stellate, malpighiaceous, or dendritic, stalked or sessile, often more than 1 kind present. Stems erect or ascending, sometimes prostrate, leafy or leafless and plants scapose. Basal leaves petiolate, often rosulate, simple, entire or toothed, rarely lobed. Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile, cuneate or auriculate at base, entire or dentate, sometimes absent. Racemes bracteate or ebracteate, elongated or not in fruit. Fruiting pedicels slender, erect, ascending, or divaricate. Sepals ovate, oblong, or elliptic, base of lateral pair not saccate or subsaccate, margin usually membranous. Petals yellow, white, pink, purple, orange (or rarely red); blade obovate, spatulate, oblong, oblanceolate, orbicular, or linear, apex obtuse, rounded, or rarely emarginate; claw obscurely to strongly differentiated from blade. Stamens 6, tetradynamous; filaments dilated or not at base; anthers ovate or oblong, obtuse at apex. Nectar glands 1, 2, or 4, distinct or confluent and subtending bases of all stamens; median glands present or absent; lateral glands toothlike, semiannular, or annular. Ovules 4 to numerous per ovary. Fruit dehiscent, silicles or rarely siliques, ovate, elliptic, oblong, orbicular, ovoid, globose, lanceolate, or linear, latiseptate or terete, sometimes spirally twisted; valves distinctly or obscurely veined, glabrous or pubescent; replum rounded; septum complete, membranous, translucent; style distinct or obsolete, glabrous; stigma capitate, entire or slightly 2-lobed. Seeds biseriate, wingless (or rarely winged), oblong, ovate, or orbicular, flattened; seed coat minutely reticulate, not mucilaginous when wetted; cotyledons accumbent.

About 350 species: primarily in the N hemisphere, especially arctic, subarctic, alpine, and subalpine regions, with about 70 species in South America; 48 species (16 endemic) in China.

Draba is the largest and most taxonomically difficult genus in the Brassicaceae. More than 950 binomials and nearly a fourth as many infraspecific taxa have been proposed. Numerous taxa are based on trivial characters, especially the presence vs. absence of trichomes on the fruit valves. Otto Eugene Schulz (Pflanzenr. 89(IV. 105): 1-396. 1927), hereafter Schulz (without a reference), was the last person to monograph Draba on worldwide basis. Although he accorded varietal names to forms with glabrous and pubescent fruits, this variation often occurs within the same population (see discussion under D. oreades). By contrast, petal color is taxonomically important and should be recorded in the field rather than from dried specimens because white petals sometimes dry yellow or vice versa. Another taxonomically important character is the number of ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit. This is easily obtained by counting the seeds and aborted ovules in the fruit.

The records from China of Draba fladnizensis Wulfen (e.g., FRPS, p. 160; Fl. Qinghai. 1: 443. 1997; Fl. Xinjiang. 2(2): 117. 1995) and D. hirta Linnaeus (e.g., FRPS, p. 164; Fl. Xinjiang. 2(2): 127. 1995) cannot be confirmed, and it is likely that these records are based on 19th Century accounts that represent misidentifications of plants of several species, including D. altaica, D. lanceolata, D. lasiophylla, D. mongolica, and D. oreades.

Draba affghanica Boissier was recorded from Gansu by Pohle (Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 32: 128. 1925), but the present authors have seen no Chinese material of that species.

According to FRPS (p. 168), Fl. Qinghai. (1: 449. 1997), and Fl. Xinjiang. (2(2): 125. 1995), Draba borealis de Candolle was said to occur in Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Xinjiang. However, the present authors have seen no material from these provinces. The distribution of D. borealis in Asia is restricted to Russia (only the coastal Far East, not Siberia) and Japan. It is highly unlikely that the species occurs in China.

Draba fuhaiensis Z. X. An (Fl. Xinjiang. (2(2): 374. 1995) is not included in the present account because the present authors have not seen the type, which was the single collection cited.

1 Annuals or rarely biennials.   (2)
+ Perennials, with well-developed caudex often covered with leaf or petiolar remains of previous years.   (7)
2 (1) Cauline leaves absent, very rarely 1; fruit base acute   43 D. melanopus
+ Cauline leaves 2-24(-30); fruit base obtuse.   (3)
3 (2) Seeds and aborted ovules (30-)36-60(-72) per fruit.   (4)
+ Seeds and aborted ovules 10-24(-28) per fruit.   (5)
4 (3) Fruit linear, (6-)9-20(-25) mm; petals 3-4 mm   44 D. stenocarpa
+ Fruit oblong or elliptic, (3-)5-8(-10) mm; petals (1.2-)1.7-2.2(-2.5) mm   45 D. nemorosa
5 (3) Fruit ovate, glabrous, acute at apex; cauline leaves (5-)10-24(-30)   47 D. eriopoda
+ Fruit oblong, oblong-elliptic, or rarely suborbicular, puberulent, obtuse at apex; cauline leaves 3-12.   (6)
6 (5) Petals yellow, (1.2-)1.7-2.2(-2.5) mm; valves with stellate and forked trichomes; racemes (5-)12-40(-60)-flowered   46 D. huetii
+ Petals white, 0.6-1 mm; valves with exclusively simple trichomes; racemes (2-)4-10(-15)-flowered   48 D. ellipsoidea
7 (1) Flowering stems leafless.   (8)
+ Flowering stems 1- to many leaved.   (26)
8 (7) Petals white.   (9)
+ Petals yellow.   (14)
9 (8) Stems distal half and fruiting pedicels glabrous or rarely glabrescent.   (10)
+ Stems and fruiting pedicels tomentose throughout.   (11)
10 (9) Petals 2.5-3(-3.5) × 1-1.5 mm; fruit base obtuse; fruiting pedicels (1-)2-5(-7) mm; Xinjiang   15 D. turczaninowii
+ Petals (3.5-)4-6 × 2-3 mm; fruit base acute; fruiting pedicels 4-13 mm; Jilin   14 D. ussuriensis
11 (9) Petals 4-7 × 1.5-4.5 mm; fruit often twisted, (3-)5-12 mm; style (0.5-)0.7-1.5 mm.   (12)
+ Petals 1.5-2.5(-3) × 0.6-1.2 mm; fruit not twisted, 2.5-5 mm; style 0.1-0.4 mm.   (13)
12 (11) Rachis of infructescence often flexuous; fruit apex acute; petals 1.5-2.5 mm wide; stellate trichomes sessile or subsessile, with some rayed branched   11 D. winterbottomii
+ Rachis of infructescence straight; fruit apex obtuse; petals 2.5-4.5 mm wide; stellate trichomes long-stalked, with unbranched rays   13 D. sikkimensis
13 (11) Sepals sparsely hairy inside; fruit oblong, 1-1.5 mm wide, apex obtuse; petals 1.5-2 mm   12 D. handelii
+ Sepals glabrous inside; fruit narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm wide, apex acute; petals 1.8-2.5(-3) mm   10 D. glomerata
14 (8) Leaf margin with exclusively malpighiaceous trichomes; seeds and aborted ovules 24-30 per fruit   40 D. sibirica
+ Leaves without malpighiaceous trichomes; seeds and aborted ovules 6-24 per fruit.   (15)
15 (14) Style (1-)1.5-3.5; sepals 3-4.5 mm   32 D. jucunda
+ Style to 1 mm, if to 1.5 mm then fruits linear to linear-oblong; sepals rarely to 3 mm.   (16)
16 (15) Leaf margin ciliate with setose or subsetose trichomes to 1.4 mm.   (17)
+ Leaf margin not ciliate or ciliate with nonsetose, shorter trichomes.   (20)
17 (16) Leaves linear or linear oblong; petals 3-4 × 1-2 mm.   (18)
+ Leaves variously shaped but not linear or linear-oblong; petals 4-7 × 2-3.5 mm.   (19)
18 (17) Fruit ovoid to subglobose, inflated, 2.5-4.5 mm; ovules 4-8 per ovary   35 D. cachemirica
+ Fruit elliptic-ovate, rarely oblong-lanceolate, flattened, 6-10 mm; ovules 12-16 per ovary   34 D. setosa
19 (17) Fruiting pedicels pubescent all around; valves glabrous, base obtuse; racemes 3-7(-12)-flowered; plants surculose   33 D. senilis
+ Fruiting pedicels glabrous; valves puberulent, base acute; racemes (6-)10-25(-35)-flowered; plants not surculose   38 D. olgae
20 (16) Fruit inflated at least basally.   (21)
+ Fruit flattened.   (23)
21 (20) Fruiting pedicels tomentose all around; ovules 16-24 per ovary; fruit apex obtuse   39 D. humillima
+ Fruiting pedicels glabrous at least adaxially; ovules 4-12 per ovary; fruit apex acute to acuminate.   (22)
22 (21) Leaves abaxially tomentose with predominantly stellate trichomes; fruit inflated throughout, 2-4 mm, basally semicordate   36 D. korshinskyi
+ Leaves abaxially pubescent with predominantly simple trichomes; fruit inflated only basally, (3-)4-9(-12) mm, basally not semicordate   30 D. oreades
23 (20) Fruit oblong, oblong-linear, or linear-lanceolate; fruiting pedicels (5-)7-18(-22) mm; leaf stellate trichomes 4-6-rayed, at least 1 ray laterally branched.   (24)
+ Fruit ovate, suborbicular, or elliptic; fruiting pedicels 1-7(-10) mm; leaf stellate trichomes 3- or 4-rayed, all rays unbranched.   (25)
24 (23) Fruit valves with predominantly stellate trichomes; style 0.4-0.8 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 18-24 per fruit; petals 3.5-5 mm   28 D. tibetica
+ Fruit valves with predominantly simple trichomes; style 0.7-1.5 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 10-16 per fruit; petals 4.5-6 mm   29 D. alajica
25 (23) Leaf trichomes predominantly simple, very rarely absent; fruit apex acute to acuminate; fruiting pedicels glabrous at least adaxially   30 D. oreades
+ Leaf trichomes predominantly stellate; fruit apex obtuse; fruiting pedicels tomentose all around   31 D. involucrata
26 (7) Petals white.   (27)
+ Petals yellow.   (39)
27 (26) Seeds and aborted ovules 24-60 per fruit.   (28)
+ Seeds and aborted ovules 6-20(-22) per fruit.   (31)
28 (27) Fruit linear, 1-1.5 mm wide; fruiting pedicels divaricate, not appressed to rachis   1 D. ladyginii
+ Fruit oblong-elliptic, oblong, lanceolate, or lanceolate-linear, 1.5-3 mm wide; fruiting pedicels erect to ascending, often subappressed to rachis.   (29)
29 (28) Stems and pedicels hirsute with simple trichomes; leaf stellate trichomes with unbranched rays   3 D. parviflora
+ Stems and pedicels tomentose with primarily stellate and forked trichomes; leaf stellate trichomes with at least 1 ray laterally branched.   (30)
30 (29) Fruit oblong-elliptic to narrowly oblong, 2-3 mm wide; cauline leaves (2 or)3-5(-7) per stem; petals 3.5-7 mm   4 D. subamplexicaulis
+ Fruit lanceolate to lanceolate-linear, 1.5-2 mm wide; cauline leaves 6-12(-16) per stem; petals 2.5-3.5 mm   2 D. lanceolata
31 (27) Petals broadly obovate, 2.5-4.5 mm wide; sepals 2.5-3 mm; fruit apex obtuse; basal leaves subfloccose with long, slender trichomes   13 D. sikkimensis
+ Petals spatulate to narrowly obovate, 1-2(-3) mm wide; sepals 1-2(-2.5) mm; fruit apex acute to acuminate; basal leaves pubescent, pilose, or tomentose with short trichomes.   (32)
32 (31) Abaxial surface of basal leaves with predominantly simple trichomes, stellate trichomes with unbranched rays.   (33)
+ Abaxial surface of basal leaves with predominantly stellate trichomes 1 to all 4 rays of with laterally branched.   (34)
33 (32) Fruiting pedicels 1-4 mm; fruit not twisted; cauline leaves (1 or)2-6(-8); Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan   7 D. altaica
+ Fruting pedicels 4-12 mm; fruit slightly twisted; cauline leaves 1-3; Taiwan   9 D. sekiyana
34 (32) Stems distal half and fruiting pedicels glabrous or rarely glabrescent.   (35)
+ Stems and fruiting pedicels tomentose throughout.   (36)
35 (34) Petals 2.5-3(-3.5) × 1-1.5 mm; fruit base obtuse; fruiting pedicels (1-)2-5(-7) mm; Xinjiang   15 D. turczaninowii
+ Petals (3.5-)4-6 × 2-3 mm; fruit base acute; fruiting pedicels 4-13 mm; Jilin   14 D. ussuriensis
36 (34) Fruit (5-)6-11 mm, narrowly oblong-ellipsoid to lanceolate-linear; seeds and aborted ovules 12-22 per fruit.   (37)
+ Fruit 2-4(-5) mm, ovate, elliptic, or rarely oblong-ovate; seeds and aborted ovules 6-12 per fruit.   (38)
37 (36) Fruiting pedicel erect to ascending, often subappressed to rachis; cauline leaves 1-4(or 5) per stem; fruit twisted 2 or 3 turns, rarely untwisted; base of cauline leaves often ciliate with simple trichomes   5 D. lasiophylla
+ Fruiting pedicel divaricate, not appressed to rachis; cauline leaves 6-14(-17) per stem; fruit twisted 1 turn or untwisted; base of cauline leaves not ciliate with simple trichomes   6 D. mongolica
38 (36) Fruiting pedicels divaricate; racemes bracteate at least basally, slightly elongated in fruit   8 D. lichiangensis
+ Fruiting pedicels erect to ascending; racemes ebracteate, distal half not elongated in fruit   10 D. glomerata
39 (26) Racemes bracteate throughout or only basally.   (40)
+ Racemes ebracteate.   (49)
40 (39) Racemes 2-10(-12)-flowered; fruiting pedicels glabrous or pubescent throughout, if glabrous adaxially then style 1.5-3 mm.   (41)
+ Racemes (12-)15-60(-140)-flowered; fruiting pedicels glabrous adaxially, pubescent abaxially.   (44)
41 (40) Petals 2.5-3.5 × 0.8-1.5 mm; style 0.2-0.5 mm; lowermost fruiting pedicels filiform, to 4 cm, strongly recurved   41 D. gracillima
+ Petals 6-8 × 3-6 mm; style longer; lowermost pedicels not filiform, to 1.8 cm, rarely recurved.   (42)
42 (41) Racemes bracteate basally; ovary and fruit hirsute; basal leaves ciliate   26 D. bhutanica
+ Racemes bracteate throughout; ovary and fruit glabrous or puberulent; basal leaves not ciliate.   (43)
43 (42) Style ca. 1 mm; ovules ca. 4 per ovary; racemes 8-12-flowered; pedicels divaricate   D. serpens
+ Style 2-3.5 mm; ovules 18-22 per ovary; racemes 2-6-flowered; pedicels recurved   25 D. remotiflora
44 (40) Fruit pilose; abaxial leaf surface with primarily simple and forked trichomes; lateral pair of sepals not saccate at base   24 D. matangensis
+ Fruit glabrous; abaxial leaf surface with stellate trichomes; lateral pair of sepals subsaccate at base.   (45)
45 (44) Abaxial surface of basal and lowermost cauline leaves with 5-8-rayed stellate trichomes.   (46)
+ Abaxial surface of basal and lowermost cauline leaves with simple, forked, or 3- or 4-rayed stellate trichomes.   (47)
46 (45) Cauline leaves auriculate to amplexicaul, acute, dentate or denticulate; stems often branched; plants not canescent   18 D. amplexicaulis
+ Cauline leaves not auriculate or amplexicaul, obtuse, entire; stems simple; plants canescent at least basally   16 D. yunnanensis
47 (45) Cauline leaves neither auriculate nor amplexicaul; fruit 4-7 mm   23 D. oreodoxa
+ Cauline leaves auriculate or amplexicaul; fruit (7-)10-15 mm.   (48)
48 (47) Caudex branches surculose; stems few to several from base; seeds and aborted ovules 8-12 per fruit   17 D. surculosa
+ Caudex not surculose; stems simple at base; seeds and aborted ovules (12-)16-22(-24) per fruit   19 D. polyphylla
49 (39) Midvein of basal leaves prominent, persistent and often spinelike; leaf margin ciliate with setose or subsetose with simple trichomes to 1.5 mm.   (50)
+ Midvein of basal leaves obscure or evident, not persistent and spinelike, leaf margin not ciliate or ciliate with slender, nonsetose trichomes.   (51)
50 (49) Fruit elliptic-ovate, rarely oblong-lanceolate; stems glabrous distally; leaves glabrous adaxially, midvein narrower than blade on each side   34 D. setosa
+ Fruit linear-lanceolate; stems pubescent throughout; leaves hirsute adaxially, midvein wider than blade on each side   37 D. linearifolia
51 (49) Petals 1-1.5 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 24-38 per fruit; style absent   42 D. zangbeiensis
+ Petals 2.5-8 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 4-20(-24); style 0.1-2 mm.   (52)
52 (51) Fruit ovate, suborbicular, or ovate-lanceolate.   (53)
+ Fruit linear, linear-lanceolate, linear-elliptic, to oblong.   (54)
53 (52) Cauline leaves 3-6(-9); fruiting pedicels 6-13(-17) mm; seeds and aborted ovules 16-20 per fruit; fruit valves pilose, flat   20 D. elata
+ Cauline leaves 1(or 2); fruiting pedicels 1-7(-10) mm; seeds and aborted ovules 4-12 per fruit; fruit valves glabrous or rarely puberulent, inflated basally   30 D. oreades
54 (52) Racemes (20-)30-90-flowered; fruiting pedicels glabrous adaxially, pubescent abaxially   21 D. calcicola
+ Racemes 2-18(-20)-flowered; fruiting pedicels either glabrous throughout or pubescent all around.   (55)
55 (54) Cauline leaves 2-6; fruiting pedicels filiform, lowermost often recurved; abaxial surface of basal leaves with forked or 4-rayed stellate trichomes with unbranched rays.   (56)
+ Cauline leaves 1 or very rarely 2; fruiting pedicels not filiform, suberect to divaricate, straight; abaxial surface of basal leaves with 4-6-rayed stellate trichomes 1 or more rays of which forked or with a lateral branch on each side.   (57)
56 (55) Petals 6-8 × 3-4 mm; fruit 1.5-2.2 cm; style 1.5-2 mm   27 D. cholaensis
+ Petals 2.5-3.5 × 0.8-1.5 mm; fruit (0.5-)0.7-1.3(-1.8) cm; style 0.2-0.5 mm   41 D. gracillima
57 (55) Fruit valves with predominantly stellate trichomes; style 0.4-0.8 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 18-24 per fruit; petals 3.5-5 mm   28 D. tibetica
+ Fruit valves with predominantly simple trichomes; style 0.7-1.5 mm; seeds and aborted ovules 10-16 per fruit; petals 4.5-6 mm   29 D. alajica

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