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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 16 | Gentianaceae

19. Gentianella Moench, Methodus. 482. 1794.

假龙胆属 jia long dan shu

Aliopsis Omer & Qaiser; Aloitis Rafinesque.

Herbs annual, biennial [or perennial]. Leaves opposite [or whorled]. Flowers terminal, solitary or in cymes, 4 or 5-merous. Calyx without intracalycular membrane. Corolla tubular or funnelform, either without appendages or with a vascularized fringed scale across base of each lobe, plicae absent. Nectaries at base of corolla tube. Stamens inserted on corolla tube. Capsules 2-valved, many seeded. Seeds smooth to warty.

About 125 species: N and S temperate zones; nine species in China.

1 Corolla lobes fimbriate at base; calyx lobes keeled; stem branched apically   9 Gentianella acuta
+ Corolla lobes glabrous at base; calyx lobes not keeled; stem branched from base.   (2)
2 (1) Flowers 5merous.   (3)
+ Flowers 4merous.   (6)
3 (2) Anthers blue; calyx lobe margins and midveins blackish; sinus between lobes cuneate   8 Gentianella azurea
+ Anthers yellow; calyx lobe margins and midveins not blackish; sinus between lobes acute or rounded.   (4)
4 (3) Stem leaf blades linear; corolla lobes apically obtuse   6 Gentianella moorcroftiana
+ Stem leaf blades ovate-lanceolate to ovate; corolla lobes apically mucronate.   (5)
5 (4) Plants 5-8 cm tall; stem densely purple pilose; leaves petiolate; calyx herbaceous, sinus between lobes acute   1 Gentianella gentianoides
+ Plants 10-45 cm tall; stem glabrous; leaves sessile; calyx membranous, sinus between lobes rounded   2 Gentianella turkestanorum
6 (2) Leaves sessile, blade base and apex attenuate   7 Gentianella angustiflora
+ Leaves petiolate, blade base narrowed to abruptly contracted, apex obtuse to rounded.   (7)
7 (6) Calyx lobes unequal in width; corolla lobes densely papillate outside   3 Gentianella anomala
+ Calyx lobes all similar in width; corolla lobes glabrous outside.   (8)
8 (7) Calyx lobes spatulate, apically recurved; corolla purple   4 Gentianella arenaria
+ Calyx lobes elliptic to rhomboid, erect; corolla pale yellow   5 Gentianella pygmaea

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