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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Gentianaceae

Gentianella Moench


Description from Flora of China

Aliopsis Omer & Qaiser; Aloitis Rafinesque.

Herbs annual, biennial [or perennial]. Leaves opposite [or whorled]. Flowers terminal, solitary or in cymes, 4 or 5-merous. Calyx without intracalycular membrane. Corolla tubular or funnelform, either without appendages or with a vascularized fringed scale across base of each lobe, plicae absent. Nectaries at base of corolla tube. Stamens inserted on corolla tube. Capsules 2-valved, many seeded. Seeds smooth to warty.

About 125 species: N and S temperate zones; nine species in China.

Lower Taxa


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