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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Verbenaceae

12. Gmelina Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 626. 1753.

石梓属 shi zi shu

Trees, tall shrubs, or rarely subshrubs, often climbing when young. Branchlets tomentose, often spiny. Leaves opposite, simple, sometimes lobed, usually with large gland patches near base, often abaxially gray mealy. Inflorescences usually terminal cymes or panicles, sometimes 1-flowered in leaf axils; cymules axillary, decussate, few flowered, short; bracts leaflike. Calyx persistent, campanulate, enlarged in fruit, truncate, 4- or 5-dentate or lobed, often somewhat unequal or oblique, usually with large glands. Corolla zygomorphic, ventricose funnelform, tube narrow at base, throat wide; limb oblique, ca. 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed or entire, lower lip 3-lobed with middle lobe larger. Stamens 4, distinctly didynamous, inserted on basal part of corolla tube, usually included, sometimes slightly exserted; anthers divaricate, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary (2-)4-locular; ovules pendulous or laterally attached, often with a central cavity. Style slender, usually unequally 2-lobed or stigma awl-shaped. Fruit a succulent drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy. Seeds 4 or by abortion 2 or 3.

About 35 species: Asia, Australia, and New Guinea; seven species in China.

1 Bracts rounded to broadly ovate, persistent   1 Gmelina szechwanensis
+ Bracts linear, lanceolate, to ovate, deciduous before anthesis.   (2)
2 (1) Calyx distinctly dentate or lobed.   (3)
+ Calyx truncate.   (5)
3 (2) Subshrubs or shrubs; branchlets slender; leaf blade 1.5-2.5(-5) cm   2 Gmelina delavayana
+ Trees; branchlets robust; leaf blade more than 5 cm.   (4)
4 (3) Calyx 1.5-1.8 cm, teeth ovate-triangular; ovary mealy; fruit shorter than calyx   3 Gmelina hainanensis
+ Calyx 0.3-0.5 cm, teeth sharply triangular; ovary glabrous; fruit much longer than calyx   4 Gmelina arborea
5 (2) Climbing shrubs; branchlets with axillary spines; ovary glabrous   5 Gmelina asiatica
+ Trees; branchlets without spines; ovary pubescent or mealy.   (6)
6 (5) Leaves glabrous; corolla 4-lobed, glabrous   6 Gmelina chinensis
+ Leaves densely puberulent; corolla 5-lobed, puberulent   7 Gmelina lecomtei

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