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42. Habenaria Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 4: 5, 44. 1805.

玉凤花属 yu feng hua shu

Authors: Xinqi Chen & Phillip J. Cribb

Habenaria arietina

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Fimbrorchis Szlachetko; Habenaria sect. Kryptostoma Summerhayes; Habenorkis Thouars; Kryptostoma (Summerhayes) Geerinck; Medusorchis Szlachetko; Ochyrorchis Szlachetko; Senghasiella Szlachetko; Smithanthe Szlachetko & Margońska.

Herbs, terrestrial. Tubers subglobose, ellipsoid, or oblong, fleshy, unlobed, neck with several slender roots. Stem erect, base often with tubular sheaths, above sheaths with leaves and sometimes several bractlike leaves above. Leaves 1 to several, loosely arranged or tufted, base contracted into amplexicaul sheaths. Inflorescence racemose, terminal, few to many flowered. Flowers resupinate. Sepals free; dorsal sepal connivent with petals forming a hood; lateral sepals spreading and reflexed. Petals simple or bilobed; lip often 3-lobed, base often spurred, sometimes saccate or spurless. Column short, both sides often with auricles (staminodes); anther erect, with distinct connective and 2 divergent locules, base of each often protruding and grooved; pollinia 2, granular-farinaceous, sectile, usually each by a long caudicle attached to a viscidium; viscidium naked, relatively small; stigmas 2, separate, convex or elongate, ± clavate, at base of column; rostellum usually stout and large, with arms parallel to basal grooves of anther, ± embracing caudicles.

About 600 species: worldwide, mainly in tropical and subtropical areas; 54 species (19 endemic) in China.

The recent fragmentation of Habenaria by Szlachetko and his co-workers (Szlachetko & Olszewski, Fl. Cameroun 34: 231. 1998; Olszewski & Szlachetko, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 37: 299. 2000; Szlachetko, Orchidee (Hamburg) 55: 489. 2004; Szlachetko, Richardiana 4: 55. 2004; Szlachetko & Margońska, Orchidee (Hamburg) 55: 174. 2004) has not been widely taken up. Although Szlachetko et al. retain many species in Habenaria, they also recognize the genera Fimbrorchis, Kryptostoma, Medusorchis, Ochyrorchis, Senghasiella, and Smithanthe as represented in China and have placed some Chinese Habenaria species in these genera. Habenaria is almost certainly polyphyletic and some reorganization of it is undoubtedly necessary. We await the results of molecular studies that are currently underway before adopting a different generic classification from that proposed here.

1 Leaves basal, appressed to substrate, often 2, rarely 1 or more than 2, often cordate, orbicular, or ovate   (2)
+ Leaves cauline, well spaced or tufted, never appressed to substrate, various in shape but never cordate nor orbicular   (15)
2 (1) Petals simple   (3)
+ Petals bilobed, anterior lobe sometimes small and obscure   (9)
3 (2) Flowers white; sepals ciliate or not   (4)
+ Flowers green or greenish white; sepals not ciliate   (5)
4 (3) Leaves 3 or 4(-6), in a rosette; lip with a conic appendage at base; spur longer than pedicel and ovary.   1 H. delavayi
+ Leaves 2, subopposite; lip lacking an appendage; spur shorter than pedicel and ovary.   2 H. siamensis
5 (3) Spur 8-13 mm, ca. as long as or longer than ovary; leaves 2-3 × as long as wide.   5 H. humidicola
+ Spur indistinct or 1-7 mm, shorter than ovary; leaves slightly longer than wide   (6)
6 (5) Stem and ovary pubescent.   3 H. diplonema
+ Stem and ovary glabrous   (7)
7 (6) Leaves 2, subopposite; spur ca. 7 mm.   6 H. diphylla
+ Leaves 1 or 2, not as above; spur less than 2 mm   (8)
8 (7) Inflorescence 10-20-flowered; spur ca. 1.5 mm.   4 H. acianthoides
+ Inflorescence 4- or 5-flowered; spur indistinct or absent.   7 H. reniformis
9 (2) Leaves with yellowish white markings adaxially   (10)
+ Leaves lacking yellowish white markings adaxially   (11)
10 (9) Leaves thinly textured; sepals ciliate; petals deeply 2-lobed, lower lobe linear, 9(-13) mm.   8 H. fargesii
+ Leaves relatively thickly textured; sepals not ciliate; petals shallowly 2-lobed, lower lobe ca. 0.5 mm.   9 H. wolongensis
11 (9) Dorsal sepal 3-6(-7) mm; petals not ciliate   (12)
+ Dorsal sepal 7-13 mm; petals ciliate   (13)
12 (11) Spur 6-9 mm, shorter than pedicel and ovary.   10 H. aitchisonii
+ Spur 11-13 mm, longer than pedicel and ovary.   11 H. balfouriana
13 (11) Leaves glaucous adaxially; base of peduncle densely pubescent; dorsal sepal 10-13 mm; spur nearly as long as pedicel and ovary.   12 H. glaucifolia
+ Leaves green adaxially; base of peduncle sparsely pubescent or glabrous; dorsal sepal 7-9 mm; spur longer than pedicel and ovary   (14)
14 (13) Leaves with 5-7 white veins adaxially; lip lacking an appendage in mouth of spur.   13 H. tibetica
+ Leaves with 5-7 green veins adaxially; lip with a conic appendage in mouth of spur.   14 H. szechuanica
15 (1) Petals bilobed   (16)
+ Petals simple   (23)
16 (15) Petals shallowly bilobed; lip ± cross-shaped   (17)
+ Petals deeply bilobed; lip not cross-shaped   (18)
17 (16) Flowers small; petals ca. 4 mm; lateral lobes of lip obovate-oblanceolate, spreading at a right angle to mid-lobe; spur 1.4-1.5 cm, ca. as long as pedicel and ovary.   15 H. schindleri
+ Flowers rather large, petals 5-5.5 mm; lateral lobes of lip linear, spreading at an acute angle to mid-lobe; spur 2.5-3.5 cm, longer than pedicel and ovary.   16 H. linearifolia
18 (16) Petals usually with 6 or 7 filiform laciniae; lip with many filiform laciniae.   17 H. polytricha
+ Petals and lip lacking filiform laciniae   (19)
19 (18) Sepals long acuminate or caudate-aristate at apex   (20)
+ Sepals neither long acuminate nor caudate-aristate at apex   (21)
20 (19) Petals with anterior (lower) lobe ca. 2.5 mm, shorter than posterior (upper) lobe.   18 H. stenopetala
+ Petals with anterior (lower) lobe 18-25 mm, longer than posterior (upper) lobe.   19 H. pantlingiana
21 (19) Petals and lip not ciliate on margins of lobes; petal lobes of unequal size, with posterior lobe shorter and wider than anterior lobe.   20 H. coultousii
+ Petals and/or lip ciliate, or lip pubescent along apical margins of lobes; petal lobes of equal size   (22)
22 (21) Petals and lip with ciliate lobes; spur not lobed.   21 H. petelotii
+ Petals lacking ciliate lobes; spur deeply bilobed at apex.   22 H. hosokawae
23 (15) Lateral lobes of lip with many long laciniae along outside margins   (24)
+ Lateral lobes of lip sometimes serrate but lacking long laciniae along outside margins   (31)
24 (23) Petals linear, ca. 0.5 mm wide; spur thickened and geniculate-curved near middle.   23 H. medioflexa
+ Petals not linear, 3-8 mm wide; spur not as above   (25)
25 (24) Petals falcate, subovate, ca. 8 mm wide   (26)
+ Petals oblong or lanceolate, 4-5 mm wide   (28)
26 (25) Sepals not ciliate; connective ca. 8 mm wide; staminodes spatulate, ca. 2 mm; spur shorter than ovary.   28 H. yuana
+ Sepals ciliate; connective 2-4 mm wide; staminodes elliptic, ca. 1 mm; spur ca. as long as or longer than ovary   (27)
27 (26) Inflorescence 1-4-flowered; spur 7-8.5 cm, much longer than ovary; connective ca. 2 mm wide.   29 H. intermedia
+ Inflorescence 5- or more flowered; spur 3.5-4 cm, ca. as long as or slightly longer than ovary; connective 3-4 mm wide.   30 H. arietina
28 (25) Spur 4.5-6.5 cm, much longer than pedicel and ovary.   26 H. davidii
+ Spur 1.7-3.5 cm, shorter than or nearly as long as pedicel and ovary   (29)
29 (28) Connective 10-12 mm wide.   24 H. limprichtii
+ Connective 2-5 mm wide   (30)
30 (29) Petals ± hairy adaxially; spur 17-18 mm; connective ca. 2 mm wide.   25 H. pectinata
+ Petals glabrous adaxially; spur 20-35 mm; connective ca. 5 mm wide.   27 H. mairei
31 (23) Lateral sepals strongly oblique   (32)
+ Lateral sepals not or slightly oblique   (40)
32 (31) Lip with a ring-shaped or cupular structure, or sometimes a lamella near entrance of spur   (33)
+ Lip lacking a ring-shaped, cupular structure or lamella near entrance of spur   (36)
33 (32) Lateral lobes of lip much shorter than mid-lobe   (34)
+ Lateral lobes of lip nearly as long as mid-lobe   (35)
34 (33) Spur 10-17 mm, shorter than pedicel and ovary; petals oblong, 3-4 mm.   36 H. acuifera
+ Spur 20-29 mm, longer than pedicel and ovary; petals narrowly ovate or narrowly elliptic, 4-5 mm.   37 H. linguella
35 (33) Flowers white, with a brown vein on lateral sepals; spur 20-22 mm, slightly longer than pedicel and ovary.   38 H. rostellifera
+ Flowers red-orange, with pale green sepals, without a brown vein on lateral sepals; spur 11-12 mm, shorter than pedicel and ovary.   39 H. rostrata
36 (32) Dorsal sepal much smaller than lateral sepals   (37)
+ Dorsal sepal not or slightly smaller than lateral sepals   (38)
37 (36) Lateral sepals obliquely axe-shaped, ca. 7 × 13 mm; petals ca. 4 mm wide; spur 5-8 cm, pendulous, longer than pedicel and ovary; ovary glabrous.   31 H. commelinifolia
+ Lateral sepals obliquely triangular, ca. 5 × 8 mm; petals ca. 1 mm wide; spur 2-2.2 cm, ca. as long as or shorter than pedicel and ovary; ovary pubescent.   32 H. austrosinensis
38 (36) Dorsal sepal with 3 serrulate keels on abaxial surface.   33 H. ciliolaris
+ Dorsal sepal without keels on abaxial surface   (39)
39 (38) Rachis villous on ridges; petals triangular-lanceolate, ca. 6 mm; lip with a conic callus at base; spur 1.6-2 cm, ca. as long as pedicel and ovary.   34 H. hystrix
+ Rachis glabrous; petals linear-lanceolate, 13-15 mm; lip without callus at base; spur 3-6 cm, much longer than pedicel and ovary.   35 H. fordii
40 (31) Flowers orange to red; lip mid-lobe bilobed.   40 H. rhodocheila
+ Flowers not orange to red; lip or its mid-lobe simple   (41)
41 (40) Lip often unlobed; spur often absent.   41 H. malintana
+ Lip deeply 3-lobed; spur present   (42)
42 (41) Lateral lobes of lip broad, subrhombic or suborbicular, apical margin serrate   (43)
+ Lateral lobes of lip narrow, not as above, margins never serrate   (44)
43 (42) Plants 9-25 cm tall; leaves cordate or ovate; spur 17-20 mm, slightly shorter or nearly as long as pedicel and ovary.   42 H. finetiana
+ Plants 35-87 cm tall; leaves oblong to narrowly elliptic; spur to 4 cm, longer than pedicel and ovary.   43 H. dentata
44 (42) Mid-lobe of lip suberect or curved upward, apex adnate to tip of hood formed by dorsal sepal and petals   (45)
+ Mid-lobe of lip never suberect or curved upward, apex never adnate to hood formed by dorsal sepal and petals   (46)
45 (44) Floral bracts shorter than pedicel and ovary; lateral sepals reflexed; spur cylindric, to 21 mm, much longer than pedicel and ovary.   44 H. lucida
+ Floral bracts longer than flower; lateral sepals spreading, not reflexed; spur clavate, 3-6 mm, shorter than pedicel and ovary.   45 H. shweliensis
46 (44) Leaves tufted at base of stem; spur longer than ovary   (47)
+ Leaves not tufted at base of stem; spur longer or shorter than ovary   (50)
47 (46) Leaves narrowly elliptic or broadly oblanceolate, 18-20 mm wide; flowers pale green.   46 H. iyoensis
+ Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, 4-15 mm wide; flowers yellowish green or white   (48)
48 (47) Leaves 4 or 5, 4-6 mm wide; dorsal sepal ca. 2 mm; spur narrowly cylindric.   47 H. viridiflora
+ Leaves 6-13, 8-15 mm wide; dorsal sepal ca. 5 mm; spur narrowly cylindric-clavate   (49)
49 (48) Dorsal sepal broadly ovate; lateral sepals narrowly ovate; petals ovate-ligulate; lip with lateral lobes narrower than mid-lobe.   48 H. plurifoliata
+ Dorsal sepal elliptic; lateral sepals elliptic; petals linear; lip with lateral lobes and mid-lobe equal in width.   49 H. tonkinensis
50 (46) Dorsal sepal 7-8 mm   (51)
+ Dorsal sepal 3-4 mm   (52)
51 (50) Spur narrowly cylindric, 3-5 mm, shorter than pedicel and ovary; dorsal sepal narrowly ovate, ca. 4 mm wide; petals ca. 2.5 mm wide; flowers yellow.   50 H. fulva
+ Spur clavate, 8-13 mm, ca. as long as pedicel and ovary; dorsal sepal cordate or broadly ovate, 5-6 mm wide; petals obliquely ovate-triangular, 3-3.8 mm wide; flowers yellowish green.   51 H. marginata
52 (50) Floral bracts longer than ovary; flowers pale yellowish green.   52 H. leptoloba
+ Floral bracts shorter or nearly as long as ovary; flowers pinkish white or pale green   (53)
53 (52) Floral bracts much shorter than pedicel and ovary; flowers pinkish white; lateral sepals 2-veined; petals obliquely oblong-ovate; spur ca. 21 mm.   53 H. nematocerata
+ Floral bracts nearly as long as pedicel and ovary; flowers pale green; lateral sepals 3-veined; petals lanceolate; spur ca. 17 mm.   54 H. furcifera

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