1 |
Capitula in corymb or compound corymbs, very rarely solitary |
(2) |
+ |
Capitula in panicle-racemes, racemes, or solitary, if in corymb then plant blue-gray; pappus absent |
(52) |
2 (1) |
Leaves pinnately veined; leaflike bracts linear; pappus as long as tubular corolla |
(3) |
+ |
Leaves palmately veined, with 3-9 main veins; leaflike bracts ovate to linear; pappus as long as tubular corolla or tube of corolla |
(22) |
3 (2) |
Stem base without dense hairs; stem leaves with conspicuous, broad sheaths |
(4) |
+ |
Stem base with a densely, brown or reddish brown, floccose-lanate circle; stem leaves without broad sheaths |
(12) |
4 (3) |
Ray florets absent; involucre turbinate; pappus yellowish |
(5) |
+ |
Ray florets present; involucre campanulate; pappus white or reddish brown |
(8) |
5 (4) |
Capitula numerous, in compound corymbs; involucre ca. 5 mm in diam., phyllaries 5; florets 5, wholly exceeding involucre; stem robust, 1-1.5 cm in diam. at base. |
43 L. myriocephala |
+ |
Capitula 2-10, in corymb; involucre 10-15 mm in diam., phyllaries 10-13; florets numerous, not exceeding involucre; stem slender, 3-5 mm in diam. at base |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong, base cuneate, margin irregularly coarsely dentate; involucre outside glabrous; outer florets narrowly tubular, female. |
44 L. discoidea |
+ |
Leaves ovate-cordate, margin denticulate; involucre outside hairy; outer florets tubular, bisexual |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Plants densely blackish purple pilose; phyllaries lanceolate, margin narrowly brown membranous, apex acute. |
45 L. atroviolacea |
+ |
Plants densely yellow pilose; phyllaries oblong, margin broadly brown membranous, apex obtuse. |
46 L. microcardia |
8 (4) |
Leaves glabrous or hairy on both surfaces; stem slender, 4-7 mm in diam. at base |
(9) |
+ |
Leaves white arachnoid-puberulent on both surfaces; stem robust, 1-2.5 cm in diam. at base |
(10) |
9 (8) |
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, margin coarsely dentate, apex acuminate; pappus pale red. |
50 L. euryphylla |
+ |
Leaves ovate-cordate or ovate-oblong, margin denticulate, apex obtuse; pappus brown. |
51 L. tongolensis |
10 (8) |
Capitula 6-23(-40); involucre hemispheric or broadly campanulate, to 20 mm in diam.; pappus reddish brown or yellowish; leaf base truncate or somewhat cuneate. |
47 L. lapathifolia |
+ |
Capitula more than 50; involucre campanulate or turbinate, 6-10 mm in diam.; pappus white; leaf base shallowly cordate or cuneate |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Ray floret longer than tubular florets, lamina apically entire; leaf base shallowly cordate. |
48 L. cymbulifera |
+ |
Ray floret as long as tubular florets, lamina apically 2-4-parted; leaf base cuneate. |
49 L. zhouquensis |
12 (3) |
Capitula small, in paniculate compound corymbs; involucre narrowly campanulate, cylindric, or turbinate, 5-11 × 3-10 mm |
(13) |
+ |
Capitula solitary or 2-10 in corymb or basipetal raceme |
(17) |
13 (12) |
Leaves ovate-oblong, base subrounded, with prominent reticulate veins on both surfaces. |
32 L. rumicifolia |
+ |
Leaves sagittate or triangular-cordate, base deeply cordate, without prominent reticulate veins on both surfaces |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Involucre cylindric or narrowly campanulate, 4-7 mm in diam., longer than wide; ray florets 1-4 |
(15) |
+ |
Involucre semispherical or cupular, 8-20 mm in diam., wider than long; ray florets 5-15 |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Leaves sagittate. |
33 L. songarica |
+ |
Leaves triangular-cordate. |
34 L. thomsonii |
16 (14) |
Leaves cordate; capitula 1-15, in corymb; involucre semispherical or cupular, 11-20 mm in diam. |
41 L. narynensis |
+ |
Leaves sagittate or ovate-triangular; capitula numerous, in paniculate compound corymbs; involucre cupular, 6-14 mm in diam. |
40 L. thyrsoidea |
17 (12) |
Leaves elliptic, base oblique, both laterally unequal. |
42 L. kunlunshanica |
+ |
Leaves orbicular-cordate to oblong-ovate, base cordate |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Plants without hairs; capitula 3-10 |
(19) |
+ |
Plants often hairy; capitula solitary, rarely in basipetal raceme |
(20) |
19 (18) |
Achenes glabrous. |
38 L. xinjiangensis |
+ |
Achenes sparsely hairy between ribs. |
39 L. tianschanica |
20 (18) |
Stem white hairy; involucre broadly campanulate. |
35 L. schischkinii |
+ |
Stem glabrous; involucre semispherical |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Throat of ray floret outside with 6 flat hairs; petioles of stem leaves basally enlarged into lamellate auricle. |
36 L. hamiica |
+ |
Throat of ray floret outside without hairs; petioles of stem leaves basally not enlarged. |
37 L. tulupanica |
22 (2) |
Capitula including ray florets 3-12 cm in diam.; involucre hemispheric or broadly campanulate, (7-)10-30 mm in diam.; ray florets numerous |
(23) |
+ |
Capitula small, including ray florets less than 2 cm in diam.; involucre narrowly campanulate or cylindric, 2-7 mm in diam., if involucre broader then capitula without ray florets |
(32) |
23 (22) |
Basal leaves ovate, base cordate or rounded, margin regularly sharply dentate; supplementary bracts numerous; pappus yellow, as long as tubular corolla. |
1 L. pyrifolia |
+ |
Basal leaves reniform or ovate-reniform, base cordate or rounded, margin dentate or palmatisect; supplementary bracts 2-4 or absent; pappus white or brown |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Phyllaries closely imbricate, not spreading, inner ones convex, 2-carinate on outside; pappus reddish brown |
(25) |
+ |
Phyllaries laxly imbricate, spreading, inner ones not convex, not carinate on outside; pappus yellowish white or purplish brown |
(28) |
25 (24) |
Involucre hemispheric, broader than long, 15-25 × 18-30 mm; ray lamina 4-6.5 cm |
(26) |
+ |
Involucre broadly campanulate, 10-14 × 7-18 mm; ray lamina 1.5-3 cm |
(27) |
26 (25) |
Leaf margin dentate; pappus as long as tubular corolla. |
2 L. dentata |
+ |
Leaves palmatisect; pappus as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
3 L. japonica |
27 (25) |
Capitula 1 to many; involucre longer than broad; phyllaries outside glabrous or white pilose, apex broadly triangular, obtuse; pappus as long as tubular corolla. |
4 L. hodgsonii |
+ |
Capitula 2-4; involucre as long as broad or broader than long; phyllaries outside shortly brown pilose, apex acute; pappus slightly longer than tube of tubular corolla. |
5 L. calthifolia |
28 (24) |
Pappus purplish brown, as long as or shorter than tube of tubular corolla. |
6 L. phaenicochaeta |
+ |
Pappus yellowish white, as long as tubular corolla |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Involucre 10-12 mm in diam., outside glabrous; stem distally white pilose. |
7 L. kangtingensis |
+ |
Involucre 10-20 mm in diam., outside hairy; stem distally yellow or black pilose |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Stem distally and involucre outside black pilose. |
10 L. retusa |
+ |
Stem distally shortly yellow pilose; involucre outside white pilose or glabrous |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Ray lamina oblong, 10-15 × 2-4 mm. |
8 L. cremanthodioides |
+ |
Ray lamina cuneate or obovate, 7-8 × 3-6 mm. |
9 L. cuneata |
32 (22) |
Capitula with ray florets; lamina slightly extending from involucre, rarely longer and split |
(33) |
+ |
Capitula without ray florets |
(38) |
33 (32) |
Ray lamina 10-15 mm, 2-5-parted to -divided, rarely entire |
(34) |
+ |
Ray lamina 4-7 mm, entire, apex 2- or 3-denticulate or ray floret similar to tubular floret |
(35) |
34 (33) |
Capitula with 10-15 florets; involucre 4-6 mm in diam., phyllaries 7-10; ray florets 3-5; lamina 3-5-divided. |
11 L. stenoglossa |
+ |
Capitula with 5-7 florets; involucre 2-3 mm in diam., phyllaries 5; ray florets 1 or 2; lamina 2- or 3-parted or entire. |
12 L. oligonema |
35 (33) |
Capitula with 2-5 florets; involucre 2-3 mm in diam., outside glabrous; ray floret usually 1 or absent, similar to tubular floret, but split only on one side and as long as tubular floret. |
13 L. franchetiana |
+ |
Capitula with 5-10 florets; involucre 4-7 mm in diam., outside glabrous or pilose; ray florets 1-6 |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Phyllaries linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate, curved; ray floret 1, as long as tubular florets, lamina small and narrow; limbs of tubular florets wholly extending from involucre; pappus brown, as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
14 L. curvisquama |
+ |
Phyllaries all or only inner ones oblong, apex obtuse or acute, erect; ray florets 1-6, lamina wider; tubular florets slightly longer than involucre; pappus brown or white, as long as or longer than tube of tubular corolla |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Involucre narrowly cylindric, 3-4 mm in diam., outside shortly pilose; ray floret 1, lamina obovate-oblong or oblong, ca. 3 mm wide. |
15 L. rockiana |
+ |
Involucre narrowly campanulate, ca. 6 mm in diam., outside glabrous; ray florets 3-6, lamina narrowly oblong, 1.5-2 mm wide. |
16 L. transversifolia |
38 (32) |
Involucre narrowly or broadly campanulate, or turbinate, 5-20 mm in diam |
(39) |
+ |
Involucre narrowly cylindric, 1.5-7 mm in diam |
(44) |
39 (38) |
Leaves palmatisect, lobes narrow. |
17 L. paradoxa |
+ |
Leaves undivided, margin dentate |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Capitula numerous in compound corymbs; involucre turbinate, outside yellowish brown shortly pilose, inner phyllaries marginally broadly brown membranous; pappus brown or white, as long as tube of tubular corolla; stem robust, taller, 1-2 cm in diam. at base. |
18 L. purdomii |
+ |
Capitula fewer, in corymb; involucre outside glabrous, inner phyllaries marginally narrowly membranous; pappus white, as long as tubular corolla; stem slender, dwarf, ca. 7 mm in diam. at base |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Capitula fewer than 14; involucre 5-10 mm in diam., phyllaries 5-10 |
(42) |
+ |
Capitula 1-6; involucre broadly campanulate, 15-20 mm in diam., phyllaries 13-15 |
(43) |
42 (41) |
Leaves glabrous, abaxially pale green, adaxially green, margin coarsely sharply dentate; involucre narrowly campanulate, phyllaries 5-8; florets 6-20. |
19 L. yunnanensis |
+ |
Leaves often purplish red, abaxially with short hairs on white reticulate veins, margin undulately dentate; involucre turbinate, phyllaries 9 or 10; florets 20-30. |
20 L. potaninii |
43 (41) |
Leaves thick, margin undulate-dentate; phyllaries purplish red, petaloid, apex acute. |
21 L. cymosa |
+ |
Leaves thin, margin regularly sharply dentate; phyllaries dark brown, apex obtuse, mucronate, or acute. |
22 L. microcephala |
44 (38) |
Peduncles shortly purplish brown pilose; pappus brown, as long as tubular corolla |
(45) |
+ |
Peduncles shortly yellow pilose or glabrous; pappus white |
(47) |
45 (44) |
Florets 5 or 6(-8), yellow; phyllaries 5; leaves ovate-cordate or subreniform, 5-6(-11) cm wide. |
24 L. tenuicaulis |
+ |
Florets 3 or 5, purple or yellow; phyllaries 3-5; leaves reniform, 6-17 cm wide |
(46) |
46 (45) |
Florets 4 or 5, purple; phyllaries 4 or 5, outside purple shortly pilose. |
23 L. dux |
+ |
Florets 3, ?yellow; phyllaries 3, glabrous. |
25 L. tongkyukensis |
47 (44) |
Phyllaries 5-10, narrowly lanceolate, apex acuminate |
(48) |
+ |
Phyllaries 5-7, oblong, apex acute or obtuse |
(50) |
48 (47) |
Leaf margin regularly triangular-denticulate; florets more than 20; pappus as long as tubular corolla. |
26 L. xanthotricha |
+ |
Leaf margin irregularly coarsely dentate, teeth to 2 cm wide; florets 6-16; pappus as long as or shorter than tubular corolla |
(49) |
49 (48) |
Phyllaries outside densely shortly yellow pilose; pappus as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
27 L. achyrotricha |
+ |
Phyllaries outside glabrous, purple ciliate; pappus slightly shorter than tubular corolla. |
28 L. macrodonta |
50 (47) |
Involucre outside densely yellow shortly pilose. |
31 L. konkalingensis |
+ |
Involucre outside glabrous |
(51) |
51 (50) |
Limb of tubular corolla extending from involucre; pappus as long as or shorter than tube of tubular corolla. |
29 L. duciformis |
+ |
Limb of tubular corolla slightly extending from involucre; pappus longer than tube of tubular corolla. |
30 L. nelumbifolia |
52 (1) |
Basal leaves erect, blue-green or grayish green, often glabrous, usually mealy, leaves pinnately veined |
(53) |
+ |
Basal leaves spreading or ascending, hairy or at least ciliate on margins, abaxially pale green, adaxially green, leaves pinnately or palmately veined |
(70) |
53 (52) |
Phyllaries united |
(54) |
+ |
Phyllaries separate |
(55) |
54 (53) |
Capitula numerous in raceme; pappus reddish brown, as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
52 L. schmidtii |
+ |
Capitula 1-9, solitary or in corymb; pappus absent. |
53 L. biceps |
55 (53) |
Pappus reddish brown, as long as or shorter than tube of tubular corolla. |
54 L. mongolica |
+ |
Pappus white, rarely rufous, as long as tubular corolla |
(56) |
56 (55) |
Racemes paniculate, with dense and numerous branches in lower part of synflorescence, branches longer, each bearing a raceme |
(57) |
+ |
Raceme with fewer capitula, rarely branched |
(58) |
57 (56) |
Capitula small; involucre narrowly cylindric or turbinate, 3.5-5 × 2-3 mm, phyllaries 4 or 5; ray florets 1-3; tubular florets 2-7. |
55 L. macrophylla |
+ |
Capitula larger; involucre cylindric or campanulate, 6-8 × 5-8 mm, phyllaries 6-8, apex acute or acuminate; ray florets (4 or)5-7; tubular florets 10-14(-16). |
56 L. heterophylla |
58 (56) |
Leaves with conspicuous, white reticulate veins when dry; stem leaves broadly ovate to oblong, ca. 2 × as long as internodes, ascending, base broadened, auriculate or semiamplexicaul |
(59) |
+ |
Leaves with obscure reticulate veins; stem leaves oblong to lanceolate, shorter than internodes, erect, base narrowed, semiamplexicaul or not |
(62) |
59 (58) |
Capitula without ray florets; leaflike bracts ovate-oblong to lanceolate, membranous, reddish yellow when dry, with conspicuous reticulate veins; involucre broadly campanulate, ca. 10 mm in diam. |
57 L. lingiana |
+ |
Capitula with ray florets; leaflike bracts linear; involucre campanulate or turbinate, 4-6 mm in diam |
(60) |
60 (59) |
Leaves herbaceous; petiole of basal leaves broadly winged; phyllaries blackish gray, apex acute or acuminate. |
58 L. melanocephala |
+ |
Leaves leathery; petiole of basal leaves without wings; phyllaries dark green, apex triangular |
(61) |
61 (60) |
Stem solid; leaf base cordate; phyllaries outside and margin glabrous or brown ciliate. |
59 L. dictyoneura |
+ |
Stem hollow; leaf base cuneate; phyllaries outside shortly pilose, margin densely white ciliate. |
60 L. brassicoides |
62 (58) |
Leaves usually linear-oblong or elliptic; capitula inclined to one side of raceme rachis. |
65 L. pleurocaulis |
+ |
Leaves ovate or elliptic |
(63) |
63 (62) |
Capitula without ray florets. |
64 L. chalybea |
+ |
Capitula with ray florets |
(64) |
64 (63) |
Pappus rufous. |
63 L. longifolia |
+ |
Pappus white |
(65) |
65 (64) |
Stem white hairy |
(66) |
+ |
Stem glabrous |
(67) |
66 (65) |
Phyllaries outside white puberulent or glabrous, margin densely white ciliate. |
68 L. liatroides |
+ |
Phyllaries outside glabrous, margin glabrous or sparsely white ciliate. |
69 L. eriocaulis |
67 (65) |
Phyllaries blackish gray. |
67 L. virgaurea |
+ |
Phyllaries green |
(68) |
68 (67) |
Leaf margin entire; phyllaries outside glabrous. |
61 L. altaica |
+ |
Leaf margin dentate; phyllaries outside glabrous or shortly pilose |
(69) |
69 (68) |
Phyllaries outside shortly pilose. |
62 L. alpigena |
+ |
Phyllaries outside glabrous. |
66 L. tangutorum |
70 (52) |
Stem scapelike, leafless, base with a circle densely long white lanate; leaves pinnately veined |
(71) |
+ |
Stem with normal leaves, base not densely lanate; leaves pinnately or palmately veined |
(72) |
71 (70) |
Scape stout, base ca. 1 cm in diam.; involucre narrowly campanulate, 6-8 × ca. 5 mm, outside white puberulent; ray lamina ca. 8 mm. |
70 L. melanothyrsa |
+ |
Scape slender, 4-5 mm in diam.; involucre campanulate, 10-12 × 8-10 mm, outside sparsely puberulent; ray lamina 10-18 mm. |
71 L. vellerea |
72 (70) |
Leaves pinnately veined; stem leaves without broad sheaths; pappus as long as tubular corolla, rarely shorter than tubular corolla |
(73) |
+ |
Leaves palmately veined, with 3-9 principal veins; stem leaves broadly sheathing; pappus as long as or shorter than tubular corolla |
(90) |
73 (72) |
Capitulum solitary; leaves hastate. |
72 L. jamesii |
+ |
Capitula numerous in paniculate racemes or raceme; leaves of other forms |
(74) |
74 (73) |
Synflorescence paniculate-racemose or racemose |
(75) |
+ |
Synflorescence racemose, lower sometimes branched |
(76) |
75 (74) |
Leaves oblong or ovate-oblong, base truncate; synflorescence to 80 cm; ray lamina 5-9 × to 2 mm; limb as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
73 L. fangiana |
+ |
Leaves triangular or ovate-triangular, base subtruncate or cordate; synflorescence to 50 cm; ray lamina 13-18 × ca. 6.5 mm; limb 3-4 × as long as tube of tubular corolla. |
74 L. jaluensis |
76 (74) |
Leaves broadly ovate-cordate, abaxially shortly pilose; peduncles usually 2-4, crowded; ray lamina linear, 9-15 × 1-1.5 mm. |
75 L. tenuipes |
+ |
Leaves ovate, ovate-cordate, triangular, or sagittate; peduncle solitary; ray lamina usually wider, if lamina linear then more than 3 cm |
(77) |
77 (76) |
Stem and abaxial surface of leaves densely puberulent; stem leaves numerous, apex caudate-acuminate |
(78) |
+ |
Stem and leaves without dense hairs; stem leaves apex obtuse or acute |
(80) |
78 (77) |
Leaves ovate-cordate, abaxially shortly brown pilose; involucre campanulate, phyllaries 5, outside shortly pilose; outer florets female, 1 or 2, without corolla; tubular florets 5; pappus shorter than tubular corolla. |
76 L. petiolaris |
+ |
Leaves ovate or triangular, abaxially gray-white puberulent; involucre shallowly campanulate, phyllaries 8 or 9, outside grayish white puberulent; tubular florets numerous; pappus as long as tubular corolla |
(79) |
79 (78) |
Capitula with ray florets; lamina yellow, to 13 mm. |
77 L. lankongensis |
+ |
Capitula without ray florets; outer florets 1-3(or 4), narrowly tubular, labiate, not colored, shorter than tubular florets. |
78 L. nyingchiensis |
80 (77) |
Basal leaves sagittate or ovate-cordate; stem leaves all or at least lower ones with long winged petiole |
(81) |
+ |
Basal leaves ovate, base shallowly cordate, truncate, or cuneate; stem leaves sessile, erect or ascending |
(85) |
81 (80) |
Pappus rufous, as long as or slightly longer than tube of tubular corolla; petiole broadly winged |
(82) |
+ |
Pappus white, as long as tubular corolla; petiole narrowly winged |
(83) |
82 (81) |
Plants usually shortly yellowish pilose; wings of petiole dentate; involucre broadly campanulate, phyllaries 8, outside shortly pilose; pappus ca. 4 mm. |
79 L. pterodonta |
+ |
Plants glabrous; wings of petiole entire or dentate; involucre narrowly campanulate or cylindric, phyllaries 5-8, outside glabrous or white ciliate; pappus 6-7 mm. |
80 L. latipes |
83 (81) |
Leaves ovate-cordate; involucre broadly campanulate, ca. 10 mm in diam.; ray lamina linear, to 30 mm. |
81 L. alatipes |
+ |
Leaves sagittate or ovate-cordate; involucre campanulate, 4-8 mm in diam.; ray lamina oblong, 2-12 mm |
(84) |
84 (83) |
Leaflike bracts ovate, membranous; ray lamina 2-3 mm. |
82 L. botryodes |
+ |
Leaflike bracts narrowly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate to linear, herbaceous; ray lamina 5-12 mm. |
83 L. sagitta |
85 (80) |
Basal leaves broadly sheathed; mouth of sheath recurved; stem leaves numerous and narrow, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, erect, adnate, base narrowed, not amplexicaul |
(86) |
+ |
Basal leaves narrowly sheathed; stem leaves fewer and wider, oblong or ovate, base rounded or subtruncate, semiamplexicaul |
(88) |
86 (85) |
Leaves ovate-cordate; involucre broadly turbinate, to 15 mm in diam.; pappus reddish brown or initially yellowish white; leaflike bracts linear or filiform. |
84 L. platyglossa |
+ |
Leaves ovate-oblong, triangular, or cordate; involucre 5-10 mm in diam.; pappus yellowish; leaflike bracts linear-lanceolate to rhombic |
(87) |
87 (86) |
Involucre campanulate, longer than wide; phyllaries oblong, apex acute or obtuse, erect. |
85 L. kanaitzensis |
+ |
Involucre cupular, broader than long; phyllaries broadly obovate or elliptic, apex broadly triangular and recurved mucronate. |
86 L. lidjiangensis |
88 (85) |
Plants taller, more robust; stem to 2.8 cm in diam. at base; leaves ovate-oblong or broadly ovate, with stout midvein; capitula larger; involucre hemispheric or campanulate, to 2.5 cm in diam. |
87 L. ghatsukupa |
+ |
Plants of medium height; stem 3-8 mm in diam. at base; capitula smaller; involucre campanulate, 4-7 mm in diam |
(89) |
89 (88) |
Raceme longer; capitula numerous; phyllaries green, outside glabrous, apex dark brown. |
88 L. tsangchanensis |
+ |
Raceme shorter; capitula 4-13; involucre blackish purple or green, outside shortly pilose. |
89 L. muliensis |
90 (72) |
Pappus as long as tubular corolla |
(91) |
+ |
Pappus shorter than tube of tubular corolla |
(101) |
91 (90) |
Leaflike bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, margin denticulate |
(92) |
+ |
Leaflike bracts linear, margin entire |
(93) |
92 (91) |
Leaflike bracts herbaceous, green; raceme not spreading; peduncles short; involucre campanulate, base rounded; leaves glabrous. |
90 L. sibirica |
+ |
Leaflike bracts membranous, purplish red; raceme spreading; peduncles long; involucre cupular, base truncate; leaves abaxially shortly pilose. |
91 L. cyathiceps |
93 (91) |
Capitula in paniculate racemes, without ray florets; limb ca. 2 × as long as tube of tubular corolla |
(94) |
+ |
Capitula in raceme or solitary, with or without ray florets; limb as long as tube of tubular corolla |
(95) |
94 (93) |
Leaves ca. 5 cm wide, glabrous; involucre campanulate or cupular, outside glabrous, nitid; pappus brown. |
92 L. leveillei |
+ |
Leaves more than 5-11 cm wide, adaxially densely shortly yellow pilose; involucre narrowly campanulate, outside densely shortly yellow pilose; pappus yellow. |
93 L. nanchuanica |
95 (93) |
Involucre campanulate to broadly campanulate; pappus reddish brown |
(96) |
+ |
Involucre campanulate or turbinate; pappus white or pale yellow |
(97) |
96 (95) |
Leaves reniform or cordate, base cordate, margin coarsely triangular-dentate; ray lamina linear, 1.5-2 mm wide. |
94 L. hookeri |
+ |
Leaves triangular, base truncate, margin denticulate; ray lamina oblong, to 5 mm wide. |
95 L. parvifolia |
97 (95) |
Stem slender, 2-4 mm in diam. at base; leaves triangular-sagittate or ovate-cordate, 2.2-15 cm wide |
(98) |
+ |
Stem robust, 6-10 mm in diam. at base; leaves reniform or cordate, to 24 cm wide |
(99) |
98 (97) |
Capitula with ray florets; involucre campanulate-turbinate. |
96 L. lamarum |
+ |
Capitula without ray florets; involucre campanulate. |
97 L. subspicata |
99 (97) |
Leaves abaxially glabrous, adaxially densely shortly pilose; involucre campanulate to broadly turbinate; ray lamina short and wide, 3-4 mm wide. |
98 L. wilsoniana |
+ |
Leaves abaxially pilose, adaxially glabrous; involucre campanulate; ray lamina longer and narrower, 1-2 mm wide |
(100) |
100 (99) |
Leaves abaxially pale green, shortly pilose only on veins, adaxially dark green; pappus white. |
99 L. atkinsonii |
+ |
Leaves abaxially densely shortly white pilose; pappus yellowish brown. |
100 L. pubifolia |
101 (90) |
Leaflike bracts broadly ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or spatulate, margin usually denticulate, if bracts linear-lanceolate then involucre broadly campanulate, ca. 10 mm in diam |
(102) |
+ |
Leaflike bracts linear or linear-lanceolate, margin entire |
(112) |
102 (101) |
Leaves variable, base sagittate or hastate; basal lobes divergent; sheaths of stem leaves marginally denticulate or laciniate |
(103) |
+ |
Leaves reniform or triangular-reniform, base cordate; basal lobes suborbicular, not divergent; sheaths of stem leaves marginally entire |
(107) |
103 (102) |
Stem robust, 4-12 mm in diam. at base; stem leaves dense and numerous, gradually smaller upward; raceme 22-65 cm; capitula numerous; involucre narrowly campanulate |
(104) |
+ |
Stem slender, 3.5-6 mm in diam. at base; stem leaves few, 2 or 3, remote; raceme to 30 cm; capitula 5-25 |
(105) |
104 (103) |
Leaves ovate-cordate, glabrous; ray florets 4-6. |
101 L. phyllocolea |
+ |
Leaves triangular-hastate or hastate, brown pilose on both surfaces; ray florets 2 or 3. |
102 L. changiana |
105 (103) |
Involucre broadly campanulate, 8-12 mm in diam.; leaves broadly hastate, 2-3 × wider than long; ray lamina to 4 cm. |
103 L. latihastata |
+ |
Involucre campanulate or narrowly campanulate, 5-7 mm in diam.; leaves cordate or horseshoe-shaped; ray lamina to 2 cm |
(106) |
106 (106) |
Stem and leaves glabrous; leaves triangular- to ovate-cordate; ray lamina oblanceolate. |
104 L. caloxantha |
+ |
Stem and leaves yellowish red pilose; leaves horseshoe-shaped; ray lamina linear-oblong. |
105 L. odontomanes |
107 (102) |
Capitula without ray florets |
(108) |
+ |
Capitula with ray florets |
(109) |
108 (107) |
Involucre glabrous. |
107 L. chekiangensis |
+ |
Involucre shortly pilose. |
111 L. ianthochaeta |
109 (107) |
Leaflike bracts submembranous. |
110 L. veitchiana |
+ |
Leaflike bracts herbaceous |
(110) |
110 (109) |
Petiole of basal leaves distally narrowly dentate; leaflike bracts spatulate, with short petiole. |
108 L. anoleuca |
+ |
Petiole of basal leaves not winged or distally narrowly winged; wing margins entire; leaflike bracts ovate to lanceolate |
(111) |
111 (110) |
Leaflike bracts ovate in basal half of synflorescence, distally lanceolate. |
106 L. fischeri |
+ |
Only a few leaflike bracts in base of synflorescence ovate, others lanceolate to linear. |
109 L. sachalinensis |
112 (101) |
Involucre campanulate or broadly campanulate, 8-12 × 4-9 mm, phyllaries 6-10, florets numerous |
(113) |
+ |
Involucre cylindric, 6-12 × 2-4 mm, phyllaries 4-6, florets 5-15, if phyllaries to 8 then involucre broader, 17-19 × ca. 8 mm |
(117) |
113 (112) |
Leaves reniform, glabrous, basal lobes not divergent; pappus purplish brown |
(114) |
+ |
Leaves hastate, shortly pilose, basal lobes divergent; pappus pale yellow or yellowish brown |
(115) |
114 (113) |
Ray florets present; involucre glabrous. |
112 L. intermedia |
+ |
Ray florets absent; involucre shortly pilose. |
113 L. hopeiensis |
115 (113) |
Leaves abaxially and sheath shortly pilose; ray lamina oblong, to 6 mm wide. |
114 L. chimiliensis |
+ |
Leaves shortly pilose on both surfaces; ray lamina linear, 1.5-2 mm wide |
(116) |
116 (115) |
Involucre outside glabrous; pappus pale yellow. |
115 L. longihastata |
+ |
Involucre outside shortly white pilose; pappus yellowish brown. |
116 L. ruficoma |
117 (112) |
Leaves divided |
(118) |
+ |
Leaves undivided, margin dentate only |
(119) |
118 (117) |
Leaves palmatisect; synflorescence 30-60 cm; capitula 40-100; involucre 2-3 mm in diam.; phyllaries 4-6; ray florets 2 or 3. |
117 L. przewalskii |
+ |
Leaves pinnately dissected; synflorescence 10-25 cm; capitula 7-15; involucre 8-10 mm in diam.; phyllaries 8 or 9; ray florets 4 or 5. |
118 L. qiaojiaensis |
119 (117) |
Ray florets absent; leaves shortly pilose on both surfaces. |
119 L. confertiflora |
+ |
Ray florets persistent; leaves glabrous or abaxially sometimes only shortly hairy on veins |
(120) |
120 (119) |
Leaves cordate-hastate, coarsely 1- or 2-dentate on each outer margin of basal lobes; ray lamina linear-oblong or oblanceolate, 2-4 mm wide |
(121) |
+ |
Leaves reniform or ovate- or cordate-hastate, margin denticulate; ray lamina linear, 1-1.5 mm wide |
(122) |
121 (120) |
Stem 3-6 mm in diam. at base; capitula with 6-15 florets; involucre 2.5-4 mm in diam., rarely broader. |
120 L. stenocephala |
+ |
Stem slender, 2-3 mm in diam. at base; capitula with 4-6 florets; involucre to 2 mm in diam. |
121 L. dolichobotrys |
122 (120) |
Leaves reniform, to 3.5 cm wide, basal lobes not divergent; capitula with 8 or 9 florets. |
122 L. kojimae |
+ |
Leaves ovate- or cordate-hastate, to 6 cm wide, basal lobes divergent; capitula with 5 florets. |
123 L. fargesii |