16. Metaplexis R. Brown, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 48. 1810.
萝藦属 luo mo shu
Aphanostelma Schlechter.
Lianas or scandent subshrubs. Leaves opposite, long petiolate. Inflorescences long pedunculate, racemelike with cymules laxly arranged along well-developed rachis. Calyx with 5 basal glands. Corolla subrotate; lobes longer than tube, twisted to left. Corona ringlike, inserted at base of gynostegium, rim 5-lobed; lobes hoodlike. Filaments connate into a short tube; anther appendages incurved; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, oblong or ovate-oblong, pendulous. Stigma head long beaked, 2-cleft or entire, exserted beyond anther appendages. Follicles fusiform or oblong, pericarp muricate, rugose, or smooth. Seeds ovate.
About six species: E Asia, two in China.
1 |
Leaf base with a narrow deep sinus, basal lobes often overlapping; flower buds conical; corolla hairy inside; stigma head long and slender, exserted out of corolla tube; follicles glabrous, smooth |
1 Metaplexis japonica |
+ |
Leaf base with a broad sinus; flower buds broadly ovate; corolla glabrous; stigma head conical, not exserted from corolla tube; follicles puberulent, muricate, or rugose |
2 Metaplexis hemsleyana |
Lower Taxa
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