1 |
Leaf blade pinninerved or subtriplinerved |
(2) |
+ |
Leaf blade trinerved at base or triplinerved |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Young branchlets glabrous |
(3) |
+ |
Young branchlets with ferruginous tomentum or appressed pubescence |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Young branchlets and petioles stouter; leaf blade thickly leathery, oblong or elliptic, larger, 6.5-13 × 1-4.2 cm, transverse veins distinct abaxially. |
1 N. pinninervis |
+ |
Young branchlets and petioles relatively slender; leaf blade thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, elliptic, or oblong-lanceolate, smaller, 5-9 × 1.7-3.5 cm, transverse veins indistinct abaxially |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Leaf blade lateral veins 8-12 pairs; filaments glabrous; fruit globose. |
2 N. wushanica |
+ |
Leaf blade lateral veins 5 pairs; filaments pubescent at base; fruit ovoid. |
3 N. acuminatissima |
5 (2) |
Young branchlets with dense ferruginous tomentum; fruit globose; perianth segments often persistent |
(6) |
+ |
Young branchlets with appressed gray-brown pubescence; fruit ellipsoid; perianth segments deciduous |
(7) |
6 (5) |
Leaf blade 4-10 × 0.8-2.3 cm, petiole less than 7 mm; filaments and style glabrous. |
4 N. oblongifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade 10-17 × 3.5-6 cm, petiole more than 10 mm; filaments and style hairy. |
5 N. cambodiana |
7 (5) |
Leaf blade lateral veins 13-15 pairs; fruiting tube cup-shaped, ca. 5 mm in diam |
6 N. undulatifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade lateral veins 4-6 pairs; fruiting tube shallowly discoid, ca. 2 mm in diam.. |
7 N. confertifolia |
8 (1) |
Leaf blade trinerved at base. |
8 N. menglaensis |
+ |
Leaf blade triplinerved |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Leaf blade glabrous abaxially when young |
(10) |
+ |
Leaf blade hairy abaxially, at least on young leaves |
(25) |
10 (9) |
Leaf blade distinctly foveolate on both surfaces |
(11) |
+ |
Leaf blade not foveolate on both surfaces |
(15) |
11 (10) |
Young branchlets with dense ferruginous or yellow-brown pubescence |
(12) |
+ |
Young branchlets glabrous |
(13) |
12 (11) |
Leaf blade elliptic or rounded-elliptic, abruptly acute at apex, acumen obtuse, base rotund or rounded. |
29 N. hainanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade obovate, apex obtusely rounded, base cuneate. |
30 N. buisanensis |
13 (11) |
Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or oblong-obovate, apex obtusely rounded, lateral veins flat on both surfaces or impressed adaxially. |
31 N. obtusifolia |
+ |
Leaf blade not as above, apex acuminate, lateral veins prominent on both surfaces |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Petiole more than 15 mm, leaf blade ovate-oblong or obovate-oblong; style densely pubescent. |
32 N. parvigemma |
+ |
Petiole less than 10 mm, leaf blade ovate; style glabrous. |
33 N. ovatifolia |
15 (10) |
Petiole 2-4 cm |
(16) |
+ |
Petiole 0.7-1.5 cm, longest less than 2 cm |
(18) |
16 (15) |
Leaf blade less than 10 cm, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, indistinct abaxially; fruit ellipsoid, 1.3-1.8 cm. |
34 N. ellipsoidea |
+ |
Leaf blade more than 10 cm, lateral veins 3-5 pairs, distinct abaxially; fruit globose or subglobose (N. chui sometimes ellipsoid, but less than 1 cm) |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaf blade broadly ovate, ovate, or ovate-oblong, 11-20 × 6.8-13 cm; fruit globose, 15-16 mm in diam.. |
35 N. kwangsiensis |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 8-16 × 2.7-9 cm; fruit subglobose or ellipsoid, ca. 8 mm in diam.. |
36 N. chui |
18 (15) |
Midrib and lateral veins impressed adaxially, prominent abaxially. |
38 N. impressa |
+ |
Midrib and lateral veins prominent on both surfaces |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Leaf blade caudate-acuminate or shortly caudate-acuminate at apex |
(20) |
+ |
Leaf blade acute or acuminate at apex |
(22) |
20 (19) |
Leaf blade lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, except for lowermost pairs, veins arising from above middle of blade; fruit ellipsoid. |
39 N. shingningensis |
+ |
Leaf blade lateral veins 3-6 pairs, except for lowermost pairs, veins arising from middle or below middle of blade; fruit ovoid or obovoid |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Young branchlets glabrous; fruit ovoid. |
40 N. homilantha |
+ |
Young branchlets ferruginous pubescent; fruit obovoid. |
41 N. purpurascens |
22 (19) |
Leaf blade often larger, 7.5-13 × 2.5-4.5 cm, veinlets indistinct abaxially. |
37 N. sutchuanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade often smaller, 3.5-6.5(-9) × 1.3-2.5(-4) cm, veins distinctly prominent abaxially |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Leaf blade oblong, obtusely acute at apex; style hirsute. |
45 N. hiiranensis |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate, ovate-lanceolate, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic, acuminate or acute at apex; style with dense sericeous pubescence or pilose at base |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Petiole pubescent; filaments with sericeous pubescence. |
42 N. pingbienensis |
+ |
Petiole glabrous; filaments pilose only at base. |
44 N. daibuensis |
25 (9) |
Leaf blade with golden yellow or pale yellow sericeous hairs abaxially |
(26) |
+ |
Leaf blade with pubescence or tomentum, not sericeous hairs abaxially |
(28) |
26 (25) |
Leaf blade shortly acuminate at apex, acumen obtuse; fruit globose. |
9 N. sericea |
+ |
Leaf blade falcate-acuminate, acuminate, or abruptly acute at apex, acumen not obtuse; fruit ellipsoid |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Leaf blade with dense golden yellow sericeous hairs abaxially, falcate-acuminate or acuminate at apex; rudimentary pistil glabrous. |
10 N. aurata |
+ |
Leaf blade with dense appressed pale yellow sericeous pubescence abaxially, abruptly acute at apex; rudimentary pistil densely puberulent. |
11 N. lunglingensis |
28 (25) |
Young branchlets glabrous. |
43 N. konishii |
+ |
Young branchlets hairy |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Midrib and lateral veins distinctly impressed adaxially on leaf blade; umbel many flowered. |
12 N. velutina |
+ |
Midrib and lateral veins elevated adaxially on leaf blade; umbel 6-flowered |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Leaf blade lateral veins 1 pair, arising 3-8 mm from base and extending to apex, veinlets 6-9 at one side near margin. |
13 N. chrysotricha |
+ |
Leaf blade lateral veins 2-6 pairs, lowermost pair arising from base or a little above base and extending to above middle of blade |
(31) |
31 (30) |
Leaf blade larger, mostly more than 12 cm, largest 15-30 cm |
(32) |
+ |
Leaf blade smaller, mostly less than 10 cm, largest not over 13 cm |
(36) |
32 (31) |
Leaf blade obovate, ovate, or elliptic, often 2-2.5 × as long as broad |
(33) |
+ |
Leaf blade mostly oblong shapes, often 3 × or more as long as broad |
(34) |
33 (32) |
Young branchlets and petioles with dense appressed gray-white short pubescence; fruiting pedicel 4-5 mm. |
14 N. howii |
+ |
Young branchlets and petioles with dense ferruginous-yellow tomentum; fruiting pedicel ca. 10 mm. |
15 N. alongensis |
34 (32) |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong or oblong, gray pubescent abaxially, transverse veinlets indistinct. |
16 N. villosa |
+ |
Leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate, with yellow-brown villous hairs or tomentum abaxially, transverse veinlets distinct |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Leaf blade caudate-acuminate at apex, broadly cuneate or rotund at base, abaxially with relatively dense yellow-brown tomentum, slightly glaucous or not. |
17 N. tomentosa |
+ |
Leaf blade shortly acute or abruptly acute at apex, base cuneate, glabrate abaxially, mostly glaucous. |
18 N. levinei |
36 (31) |
Young branchlets, leaf blade abaxially, and petioles with dense ferruginous-yellow tomentum; petiole ca. 5 mm. |
19 N. hsiangkweiensis |
+ |
Young branchlets, leaf blade abaxially, and petioles with pubescence; petiole often more than 10 mm |
(37) |
37 (36) |
Fruit obovoid-ellipsoid or ellipsoid to ovoid |
(38) |
+ |
Fruit globose or nearly globose |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Leaf blade lanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, pubescent abaxially when old; rudimentary pistil densely hairy. |
27 N. aciculata |
+ |
Leaf blade elliptic or oblong-elliptic, becoming glabrous abaxially when old; rudimentary pistil glabrous. |
28 N. polycarpa |
39 (37) |
Fruiting pedicels more than 15 mm. |
20 N. longipedicellata |
+ |
Fruiting pedicels less than 12 mm |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Leaf blade slightly appressed pubescent or along veins yellow pubescent abaxially |
(41) |
+ |
Leaf blade densely brown or gray villous abaxially when young |
(42) |
41 (40) |
Leaf blade apex acuminate, base obtuse to cuneate, not decurrent, with gray appressed pubescence abaxially when young; fruiting pedicels ca. 10 mm. |
25 N. variabillima |
+ |
Leaf blade narrowly acuminate at apex, base cuneate, slightly decurrent, only along veins with yellow pubescence abaxially when young; fruiting pedicels 4-5 mm. |
26 N. zeylanica |
42 (40) |
Leaf blade lateral veins, except for lowermost pair, arising from middle or below middle of blade, most distinct adaxially; petiole 1-2 cm. |
21 N. phanerophlebia |
+ |
Leaf blade lateral veins, except for lowermost pair, arising from above middle of blade, often indistinct adaxially; petiole 0.5-0.8 cm |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Leaf blade thickly leathery, shiny adaxially, margin not sinuous-rugose in a dry state. |
22 N. pulchella |
+ |
Leaf blade thinly leathery, somewhat shiny adaxially, margin sinuous-rugose in a dry state |
(44) |
44 (43) |
Fruiting pedicels (6-)10-12 mm; leaf blade distinctly gray-white abaxially, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs. |
23 N. pallens |
+ |
Fruiting pedicels 3-5 mm; leaf blade grayish green abaxially, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs. |
24 N. brevipes |