1 |
Radical leaves pinnately 3–11-foliolate. |
(2) |
+ |
Radical leaves palmately 3–5-foliolate. |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Leaflets abaxially sericeous, strigose, or subglabrous. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially densely white tomentose. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Flowers 5-merous; petals yellow or white, longer than sepals; leaflets abaxially strigose, adaxially subglabrous, terminal one (2 or)3-serrate at apex. |
10 S. adpressa |
+ |
Flowers 4- or 5-merous; petals white, equaling or only slightly longer than sepals; leaflets appressed sericeous on both surfaces, margin entire. |
11 S. sericea |
4 (2) |
Flowering stems and petioles densely white tomentose; leaflets abaxially inconspicouously veined and densely white tomentose. |
12 S. micropetala |
+ |
Flowering stems and petioles yellow pilose and white tomentose; leaflets abaxially prominently veined. |
13 S. phanerophlebia |
5 (1) |
Radical leaves 5-foliolate. |
(6) |
+ |
Radical leaves 3-foliolate. |
(8) |
6 (5) |
Leaflets densely white sericeous on both surfaces. |
9 S. omeiensis |
+ |
Leaflets appressed pilose on both surfaces. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaflets obovate-oblong or oblong, central and lateral ones subequal, apex 2–6-serrate; petals 5, purple-red, longer than sepals. |
7 S. purpurea |
+ |
Leaflets obovate, 2 lateral ones much smaller than 3 central ones, apex (2 or)3-serrate; petals 4(or 5), yellow-white, nearly equaling sepals. |
8 S. pentaphylla |
8 (5) |
Leaflet margin entire except for (2 or)3–5-dentate apex. |
(9) |
+ |
Leaflet margin serrate or lobed. |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Petals 5, shorter than sepals. |
1 S. procumbens |
+ |
Petals 4 or 5, nearly equaling or slightly longer than sepals. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Leaflets broadly obovate, base rounded to broadly cuneate; flowers numerous, in cymes; petals 5, equaling sepals. |
2 S. cuneata |
+ |
Leaflets obovate-oblong, base cuneate; flowers 1(–3); petals 4, nearly equaling or slightly longer than sepals. |
3 S. tetrandra |
11 (8) |
Flower solitary, terminal; petals white, longer than sepals. |
4 S. perpusilloides |
+ |
Flowers 2–6, in cymes; petals red or purple-red, shorter than or nearly equaling sepals. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Leaflets broadly obovate to suborbicular, 0.3–1.5 cm, both surfaces appressed pilose; petals red, nearly equaling sepals. |
5 S. tenuis |
+ |
Leaflets broadly elliptic, 1.3–2.5 cm, abaxially densely yellow hirsute; petals purple-red, slightly shorter than or equaling sepals. |
6 S. sikkimensis |