13. Sibbaldia phanerophlebia T. T. Yu & C. L. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 19: 517. 1981.
显脉山莓草 xian mai shan mei cao
Herbs perennial. Roots much branched, long, thin. Flowering stems spreading, 4–10 cm, together with petioles yellowish pilose and white tomentose. Radical leaves 2–5 cm including petiole; stipules brown, membranous, abaxially pilose or glabrescent; leaf blade pinnate with 2–4 pairs of leaflets; leaflets opposite, rarely alternate, shortly petiolulate or subsessile, elliptic or obovate, 4–10 × 3–8 mm, abaxially densely white tomentose, adaxially pilose, rarely white tomentose, midvein and lateral veins obvious, sparsely yellow pilose, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, sharply incised serrate, apex obtuse; cauline leaves resembling radical ones but upper ones 3-foliolate; stipules green, ovate, herbaceous, abaxially white tomentose, margin sharply serrate. Flower solitary, 5–6 mm in diam. Sepals triangular, apex acute; epicalyx segments lanceolate, nearly equaling sepals, abaxially yellowish pilose and white tomentose, apex acuminate. Petals tinged yellow, long elliptic, nearly equaling sepals, apex rounded. Stamens ca. 5. Style lateral. Achenes not seen. Fl. Jun.
Meadows on mountain slopes, rock crevices; 3500--3800 m. Xizang, Yunnan.
This taxon was lectotypified (Sun, M. & Q. Lin. 2008. Guihaia 28(3): 296) after publication of the family treatment for the Flora of China.