17. Symphorema Roxburgh, Pl. Coromandel. 2: 46. 1805.
六苞藤属 liu bao teng shu
Shrubs, usually climbing. Hairs stellate. Leaves opposite, simple, margin entire or serrate. Inflorescences pedunculate, capitate cymes, subtended by a whorl of 6 prominent involucral bracts. Calyx 5- or 6-dentate. Corolla white, small, tube cylindric, lobes 6-16(-18). Stamens 6-16(-18). Ovary 2- or imperfectly 4-locular; ovules 2 per locule, pendulous, only 1 fertile. Capsules indehiscent, included within an enlarged calyx. Cotyledons fleshy, usually with abundant oil.
About three species: India, Myanmar, Philippines, and Thailand; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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