1 |
Plants ca. 5(-8) cm tall, very rarely taller (to 15 cm) and acaulescent or stem very short and branched within or slightly above leaf rosette with capitula few to several, clustered; involucre 8-12 mm with longest outer phyllary 1/3-1/2(-2/3) as long as inner ones |
(2) |
+ |
Plants caulescent, usually very distinctly so, or if stem very short then capitula not clustered but all borne distinctly above leaf rosette and longest outer phyllary usually at most 1/4 as long as inner ones (if 1/3-1/2(-2/3) as long see Y. conjunctiva above); involucre 5-13 mm |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Peduncle slender; involucre 1.2-1.6 cm; pappus 10-11 mm. |
3 Y. simulatrix |
+ |
Peduncle capillaceous; involucre 0.8-1.1 cm; pappus 5-7 mm |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Phyllaries abaxially arachnoid hairy. |
6 Y. sericea |
+ |
Phyllaries abaxially glabrous |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Involucre 10-11 mm; longest outer phyllary 1/3-2/3 as long as inner ones; inner phyllaries adaxially appressed pubescent. |
7 Y. conjunctiva |
+ |
Involucre 8-10 mm; longest outer phyllary 1/3-1/2 as long as inner ones; inner phyllaries adaxially glabrous |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Longest outer phyllary to 1/3 as long as inner ones; midvein of inner phyllaries subapically plane. |
4 Y. gracilipes |
+ |
Longest outer phyllary to 1/2 as long as inner ones; midvein of inner phyllaries subapically crested or corniculate. |
5 Y. cristata |
6 (1) |
Pappus ash-gray, yellowish brown, or pale brown |
(7) |
+ |
Pappus white |
(10) |
7 (6) |
Pappus ash-gray; synflorescence corymbiform on a stem with well-developed distant leaves |
(8) |
+ |
Pappus yellowish brown or pale brown; synflorescence corymbiform on a leafless stem, or else not corymbiform |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Peduncle and involucre ± shortly glandular hairy (rarely glabrous); midvein of inner phyllaries subapically always plane; style branches yellow upon drying. |
1 Y. cineripappa |
+ |
Peduncle and involucre glabrous; midvein of some inner phyllaries subapically crested or corniculate; style branches brown or green upon drying. |
2 Y. atripappa |
9 (7) |
Synflorescence corymbiform; capitula erect, with ca. 5 florets; involucre 6-7 mm. |
27 Y. szechuanica |
+ |
Synflorescence secundly racemiform; capitula nodding, with 10-20 florets; involucre 10-13 mm. |
28 Y. racemifera |
10 (6) |
Involucre 4-7 mm; synflorescence (except in depauperate plants) moderately to richly branched, with some, many, or numerous capitula; inner phyllaries with midvein subapically strictly plane |
(11) |
+ |
Involucre (6-)7-10(-13) mm; synflorescence poorly to moderately branched, with few, some, or more rarely with many capitula; inner phyllaries either all with midvein plane or some with midvein subapically crested or corniculate |
(16) |
11 (10) |
Leaves undivided; basal leaves with petiole to 15 cm, as long as hastate-cordate blade. |
22 Y. longipes |
+ |
Leaves except early basal ones always pinnately lobed; basal leaves with basal petiole-like portion much shorter than remainder of leaf |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Basal, lower, and middle stem leaves bipinnately lobed, lateral lobes as broad as terminal lobe. |
21 Y. rosthornii |
+ |
Leaves at most pinnately lobed, lateral lobes usually much narrower and smaller than terminal lobe |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Plants annual to perennial; stem leaves always well developed, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect, lateral lobes of all leaves ovate or elliptic, terminal lobe long acuminate; involucre 6-7.5 mm; achene 2.5-3 mm. |
20 Y. heterophylla |
+ |
Plants strictly annual; stem leaves mostly soon reduced and undivided, or if well developed and pinnately lobed then lateral lobes triangular or rhomboidal, terminal lobe obtuse, acute, or shortly acuminate; involucre 4-5(-7) mm; achene 1.5-2.5 mm |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Achene light brown, dark reddish, or purplish brown, apex strongly attenuate; pappus persistent. |
24 Y. japonica |
+ |
Achene clear red, apex contracted into a stout 0.2-0.4 mm beak; pappus ± deciduous |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Involucre 4-6 mm; pappus 2.5-3 mm. |
25 Y. erythrocarpa |
+ |
Involucre 6-7 mm; pappus 3-4 mm. |
26 Y. rubida |
16 (10) |
Midvein of all inner phyllaries plane |
(17) |
+ |
Midvein of at least some inner phyllaries subapically crested or corniculate |
(20) |
17 (16) |
Inner phyllaries adaxially glabrous; later basal and stem leaves pinnatifid to pinnatipartite, rachis often pectinate between lateral lobes. |
17 Y. wilsonii |
+ |
Inner phyllaries adaxially appressed pubescent; later basal and stem leaves pinnatisect, rachis not pectinate between lateral lobes |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Lobes of pinnate leaves basally often with a large tooth; achene 3-3.5 mm. |
18 Y. henryi |
+ |
Lobes of pinnate leaves entire; achene 2-3 mm |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Plants delicate, 10-30 cm tall; involucre ca. 7 mm; achene 2-2.5 mm. |
15 Y. hastiformis |
+ |
Plants usually rather robust, to 60 cm tall; involucre 7-11 mm; achene 2.5-3 mm. |
16 Y. prattii |
20 (16) |
Rosette leaves contracted or attenuate into a very long (to 9 cm) inconspicuously winged petiole-like basal portion at least as long as or longer than remainder of leaf. |
19 Y. terminalis |
+ |
Rosette leaves without petiole-like portion, or if with one then distinctly shorter than remainder of leaf |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Involucre 8-13 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially pubescent; pappus 5-9 mm |
(22) |
+ |
Involucre 6-8 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially glabrous or appressed pubescent; pappus 2.5-5.5 mm |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Plants to 100 cm tall; involucre (0.8-)0.9-1.3 cm; longest outer phyllaries 1.5-3 mm. |
8 Y. paleacea |
+ |
Plants at most 30 cm tall; involucre 0.8-1 cm; longest outer phyllaries ca. 1.5 mm. |
9 Y. pilifera |
23 (21) |
Stem very slender or capillaceous, almost leafless or leafless with 1-5 capitula |
(24) |
+ |
Stem usually more robust, usually with few leaves and more than 5 capitula |
(26) |
24 (23) |
Involucre ca. (7-)8 mm; pappus 5-5.5 mm. |
14 Y. kangdingensis |
+ |
Involucre 6-7 mm; pappus 2-5 mm |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Plants delicate, 3-10 cm tall; rosette leaves 1-7 × 0.3-1 cm; stem capillaceous; pappus 4-5 mm. |
13 Y. yilingii |
+ |
Plants more robust, 10-15 cm tall; rosette leaves 5-10 × 1-2 cm; stem slender; pappus ca. 2.5 mm. |
23 Y. bifurcata |
26 (23) |
Achene 2-2.5 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially pubescent |
(27) |
+ |
Achene 3-4 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially glabrous or with only few appressed hairs |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Leaves pubescent; longest outer phyllary to 1 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially densely appressed hairy. |
12 Y. mairei |
+ |
Leaves glabrous; longest outer phyllary 1-2 mm; inner phyllaries adaxially sparsely appressed hairy. |
15 Y. hastiformis |
28 (26) |
Stems especially at bifurcations, peduncles, and abaxial face of leaves brown arachnoid hairy; synflorescence with to 25 capitula. |
10 Y. fusca |
+ |
Stems, peduncles, and leaves mostly rather sparsely pale or white arachnoid hairy; synflorescence with less than 10 capitula. |
11 Y. lanata |